I think my emojis are on drugs...

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Master Chef
Jan 19, 2017
Frisco, Texas
Either the forum or my browser need an intervention. (look at the emoji after "Yup) It is happening every time I use an emoji tonight, but only on this forum.

CD, I think you need to restart your browser. It doesn't seem to be the forum.

Yup (y)

Does it do it for you before you post? Or does it look normal until it's posted? What about if you look at the preview?
This how your first post looks to me on my laptop and my desktop. The top of thumb is cut off and the bottom is strange.
CD, I think you need to restart your browser. It doesn't seem to be the forum.

Yup (y)

Does it do it for you before you post? Or does it look normal until it's posted? What about if you look at the preview?

I restarted my whole MacBook. It does it before and after I post.

Let me try again, maybe the electrons have sobered up. (y) :unsure: :(:cry:

Nope, the drugs haven't worn off, yet. What do the above four emojis look like to the rest of you? They are cut in half horizontally to me.

Casey, I think you have a Mac. Use "Command+" to increase your screen font size and you'll be fine. Of course, then you may not like the rest of the display.
Casey, I think you have a Mac. Use "Command+" to increase your screen font size and you'll be fine. Of course, then you may not like the rest of the display.

Thanks for the reminder. I checked the "View" menu, and I somehow must have accidentally zoomed out of actual size. I returned it to actual size, and it looks fine, now. I have no idea how I didn't notice the smaller type for two days. :unsure:

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