Inaugural Dinner ~ January 20, 2025 ~ Join The Party!

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
DH & I had talked about this back a few days ago.
What with all of the dinners being held this evening, celebrating the inauguration of the United States 47th President, we should join in!

A bit early here for dinner, but on the menu is:
New Zealand Green Lip Mussel Cocktail
Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail (both made with my homemade Cocktail Sauce)
Grilled Rib Eye Steaks
AF French Fries
Small tossed Green Salad
Homemade Gingerbread with Whipped Cream
I'll call it Martin Luther King, Jr. day dinner. The thought of that other thing would ruin my appetite.

Hey K-Girl, will you be cooking those steaks well done and served smothered with ketchup? That's how the 47th president likes them. :shock: *


* not a joke... “It would rock on the plate, it was so well done” is how Trump’s butler described his employer’s preferred preparation to the New York Times.
We had spaghetti with meat sauce.

I strive for mindful gratitude. I try to celebrate any reason I have. Today, I woke up! Today, I enjoyed talking to my sister and sweetie. Celebrate what you have in life to be grateful for. Any little thing.

I love being here. I love sharing and talking with all of you. Since I have been here, I've lost parents, seen political tidal swings, witnessed things that have broken my heart, and felt blessed by things that make me smile. I'm keenly aware that we all do not agree on everything or have the same values, BUT I care very much for all of you. I love that we share a hobby. I love that we can support one another when we have struggles even when across the miles. However, political jabs in any direction are divisive and exhausting no matter who is in power.

I'm not a political person. I vote, but my candidates NEVER win, and that is just the way it is. And I do not care what your politics are. I care far more for YOUR ethics, and what you find that gives you gratitude. To me, intolerance is intolerance whether it is religion, race, sexual preference, political beliefs, etc. It's MLK Day. I'm grateful to have lived to hear his dream.

I'll take my three day ban now, mods.
I kept it simple, since today I am having the migraine I had the prodrome for yesterday. I had cold smoked salmon on a bagel with cream cheese, onion, and capers. I had about half of the leftover apple and tangerine red cabbage slaw to go with that. It was a bit dry and very bland, so I added a little bit of frozen, orange juice concentrate and a bit of lemon juice. That really helped.

2025-01-20 Smoked salmon on a bagel and red cabbage slaw.jpg
@taxlady That looks really nice. On a separate question, have you found any correlation between anything and your migraines? Foods? Light? Seasons?

When I get even a bit of congestion, I am prone to headaches that can develop into migraines. Or stress will sometimes do it. I feel for you having deal with them. I swear that I can hear paint dry when I have one and will be so nauseated if I cannot get to a quiet dark place and sleep.
@Kathleen @taxlady
@taxlady That looks really nice. On a separate question, have you found any correlation between anything and your migraines? Foods? Light? Seasons?
Kathleen, funny you should ask that as when taxy posted, that was the exact thought that went thru my mind.
It suddenly occurred to me she was posting "before a migrane" not after a migraine.
taxy, do you have any idea what brings them on? At least an inkling? Seems to me you've been mentioning them more often recently.
@taxlady That looks really nice. On a separate question, have you found any correlation between anything and your migraines? Foods? Light? Seasons?

When I get even a bit of congestion, I am prone to headaches that can develop into migraines.

Funny that you say that. My ex-wife had terrible migraines, and when she had one developing, it was when her sinuses and nasal passages were completely clear.

@Kathleen @taxlady

Kathleen, funny you should ask that as when taxy posted, that was the exact thought that went thru my mind.
It suddenly occurred to me she was posting "before a migrane" not after a migraine.
taxy, do you have any idea what brings them on? At least an inkling? Seems to me you've been mentioning them more often recently.

My ex-wife and her doctor could never find that magic external thing that always correlated with her migraines. Food, weather, stress... nothing had any direct tie to her migraines.

Mine is stress mostly. Starts with a tension headache and then progresses. Have to retreat to bedroom, wear a sleep mask to block light, make Craig turn down the volume of the TV because hearing gets so sensitive, and hopefully sleep it off.
@taxlady That looks really nice. On a separate question, have you found any correlation between anything and your migraines? Foods? Light? Seasons?

When I get even a bit of congestion, I am prone to headaches that can develop into migraines. Or stress will sometimes do it. I feel for you having deal with them. I swear that I can hear paint dry when I have one and will be so nauseated if I cannot get to a quiet dark place and sleep.
Thank you.

I tracked food for a while and didn't find a correlation. I tracked barometric pressure and yeah, sometimes when it's jumping all over the place, I and lots of my friends get migraines. But, the pressure can be dropping or climbing fast without giving me a migraine too or the pressure could be stable when I get one. This does seem to be migraine season. Stress can be a trigger for my migraines, but sometimes I have no idea whatsoever why I got one.

I don't usually get much of a headache with my migraines. This time I have a fairly strong headache, but not the really bad, give-me-all-the-drugs-now headache. I get a visual aura. Usually it is the scintillating scotoma, but sometimes it is drop shadows/seeing double. It's the kind of seeing double that isn't eye related. When it happens, I see double even with either eye closed.
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