Interested in building my own UDS, just a few questions...

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Grillin 24-7

Assistant Cook
Jun 8, 2011
I am new here and wanting to build my own UDS, I have read a lot so far on UDS' on this forum.

I have read that the for a 55 gallon drum USD the cooking grate needs to be about 24" from the bottom, but, i have also seen/read that people have 2 grates in the UDS. is having 2 grates not recommended? seems to me you'd be able to cook more with 2 grates, but the bottom would cook faster and be done before the top grate?

I have also seen/read that some drill anywhere from 2-4 holes at the bottom, It weems like 2 is the better choice with valves to control the air flow?

Thoughts or opinions please?

also, if you have any must haves on a UDS besides the general, much appreciated! and Thanks!
One name and the first letter of last name. Cliff H. He is a devoted drummer.
Hit him up. 8)
I think this is getting way too complicated. You need to split it down the middle and find some wobbly rusty legs. That is the contraptions which cook good bbq. Kindly dont axe me how I know this. Thanks.
Grillin 24-7 said:
Is having 2 grates not recommended? seems to me you'd be able to cook more with 2 grates, but the bottom would cook faster and be done before the top grate?

My UDS is going to have (2) 22.5 grates with a 6" space between them. I have been thinking about getting (2) 18.5 grates, adding some legs so they will set on top of the larger grates. This will leave 3" between the grates. Then if I want to smoke a lot of ribs I could have 4 racks instead of 2, keeping the minimum 24" space from the bottom of the charcoal basket.
My UDS has 2 grates. If you are going to use 2 grates you need to use a top from a Weber or similar grill. I highly recommend making yourself an UDS, they are very simple and cheap to make and they also pump out some great Q!!!
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