Internal temperature of chicken breasts in the oven?

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Head Chef
Sep 11, 2021
i've bought a thermapen that should arrive today.
i want to make a chicken breasts in the oven and i don't like it too moist.
i intend to sherd it by hand after it cools.

my question today is for how long to put the chicken in the oven and on what temperature so it won't be too moist but a little bit dry..

they are quite large pieces so when to start checking with the probe for internal temperature?
Internak temp.should be set for 160 degrees fir sligghtly dry chicken. Just remove the skin, rub with maonaize, ir butter, place on foil lined cookie sheet. Plave in 365 degree oven. Bake until alarm sounds. Remove from oven and lert rest for ten minutes. Shred.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
thank you
i will have to probe it manually because it is not a thermometer that you can use inside the oven.....

i will go and convert the degrees you have mentioned to celcius...
Now that you have thermometer, you should not cook according to time in the oven but rather temperature. Time in the oven should only be used as a guide for meal planning.
Now that you have thermometer, you should not cook according to time in the oven but rather temperature. Time in the oven should only be used as a guide for meal planning.

Time is also useful for knowing when to start checking the temperature. But, yeah. Cook to temperature.
and I totally disagree with the theory to poke a new hole every time to check.

here's why:
stuff like chicken breast has a thick part and thinner parts.
all kinds of beef / lamb / venison / turkey cuts have thicker and thinner parts.

if you check the temp 'somewhere else' you have no idea how much the temperature has changed since the initial check . . .

depending on how hot you roast, on a simple chicken breast you'll see 15-20 degrees (F - half that in C) from thick end to thin end.

for precisely this reason I slice those megasaurus chicken breasts longitudinally into two slices of equal thickness:
Is there a reason not to use the same hole?

I don't try for the same hole or try to avoid it. I just poke in the thickest part and close to where I think I poked the first time. Sometimes I check thinner parts to make sure they aren't overcooking.
I understand the reasoning behind not using the same hole, personally don't think it makes that much difference. Often when I withdraw the probe I will give it a little tap on the hole to sort'a close it up. (and no, it doesn't change the temp as I can see it)

other than that I pretty much do as taxy does.
375 until the chicken breasts come to 160.

Pull them and cover them with foil and let them rest for 5 min or so. The internal temperature will continue to climb to over 165.
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