IQF scallops

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Master Chef
Sep 4, 2004
Galena, IL
Living in the small-town midwest, I rely on IQF shellfish for my shellfish 'fix'. In line with a similary posting about shrimp (thanks for all the ideas!) ... anyone got some good ones for scallops? I have one recipe I love (and will share the next time I get upstairs to my cookbook collection), but anyone with some ideas, they'd be welcome. Something most folk don't realize is that unless you can drive to the seashore in a few hours time (and even then sometimes) what you're buying in the store isn't likely to be fresh, but thawed. Might as well buy it frozen, at least you KNOW how long it has been thawed! Anyway, our scallops are to die for, and I'd like to use them more often.
My mom uses scallops to make some type of ginger soup.

1 can of chicken broth
a couple of scallops
1 inch of ginger - sliced

First boil the ginger and chicken broth, then add in the scallops and cook until it is about ready. Add salt and pepper. Simple.
More often than not, I just season (large) scallops with salt, pepper and a wee bit of cayenne, dredge in flour and saute in a little olive oil until done. Very quick process that. Then drizzle with lemon juice.
I love them broiled with sprinkle of sea salt to finish. About as simple as you can get.
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