cooking=love said:Forgive me saying what I know. I know good Tex Mex. People are so fussy! I swear. You have to be so damned exact. Maybe I will stop coming here again. ...
Hey - PLEASE don't stop joining in the discussions!!! We are caught in the cross-fire sometimes here in Texas .... sometimes you find a place that makes authentic Mexican food and sometimes you get Tex-Mex ... and Tex-Mex can be regional just like Italian (Ft Worth vs San Antonio vs Larado vs El Paso .... etc).
Lugaru - Rick Bayless' program is on PBS stations - not FoodTV ... but if you want to know more about him you can go to and search on "rick bayless" and you'll find several sites where you can learn more. Bobby Flaw uses chilies as a threat - Rick Bayless uses them as a seasoning.