Going with meat loaf as a concept, and nobody is writing on how to do it "cheaply" (a good sign of collective economies!)
So okay, lets kick it up there and use some pricier ingredients to add to the taste...
Instead of using 2 lbs of ground chuck, ask the butcher to grind up a 2 lb sirloin steak with some serious fat on it...(the fat will make it taste better, and otherwise its too lean and dry)
THREE eggs, and, with conciousness to health, we'll use the Omega 3 varietal...
Keeping up with the health thing, add a cup of large flake oatmeal...
2 tablespoons minced garlic
One can of tomato paste (I'm talking the mini-cans, about 3 ounces)
A tablespoon each of Marjoram, Kosher Salt and paprika
A cup of shredded Asiago cheese (sigh! okay, I'm in an "Italian rich" area, for those that aren't, used shredded "old" cheddar, or Romano, or Parmesan)
A cup of the "genuine" bacon bits (NOT artificial!) or, failing that a cup of finely chopped ham
1-1.5 cups of diced Vidalia onion
A cup of BBQ steak sauce, tomato based, I use the Diana brand...
Okay, here's a secret! 2 cups of crushed ice!
Quickly now!
Mix at all together, and try to avoid arriving at a munched together mass...we want it relatively loose, as opposed a crunched together source...
And yes, lets use a bread pan to cook it in...and a meat thermometer to tell us when its "done" to medium...
Damn! I'd love to try those hot peppers and/or chili flakes in this, but my wife would go ballistic...