ISO help w/marshmallow foam

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Assistant Cook
Dec 21, 2024
United Kingdom
I've made some marshmellow foam (cheated slightly by using egg white liquid pre-prepped), I got all of the mixtures correct (cup of sugar, 4 egg whites, 1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar, and vanilla extract 1 teaspoon)... but I've made two separate batches and each time I'm getting separation. I've storied the marshmellow in a sealed sandwich bag in the fridge and each time I get separation within a few hours.

Where am I going wrong? And can I remix this or is it ruined (the white foam smells fine and tastes fine)

Why don't you just take one of those batches and try. If it starts to foam up (and it probably won't get quite as fluffy as before) you could perhaps try a small amount of corn syrup drizzled in while beating.
I've never made it and am just talking off the top of my head the first things that came to mind.
I've never made marshmallow fluff, but offhand, most recipes I've seen call for corn syrup. And you didn't mention it in your recipe. You might also consider increasing the cream of tartar to 1/2 teaspoon. Cream of tarter acts as a stabilizer for whipped egg whites.

If all else fails, find another recipe.
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