ISO Help with defrost/cooking frozen lobster tail tonight.

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No but I’ve had them many times right off the boat. Caught a few hours before.

All animals that eat have some kind of digestive tracts that empty waste products. Basic anatomy.

Again, I would imagine cold water lobsters are cleaned the same way we and every other diver we knew cleaned the lobsters we caught.
Did you catch the lobster yourself? Trust me, they had a "vein." They had either been in a tank or trap and hadn't eaten in a while or they were treated like my post above. We hunted the entirety of legal season. They  always had a "dirty vein" when we caught them.
Yes, by hand off Key Largo. They may have had a vein but to be honest I cannot remember. If they did it was small.
But the Maine lobster I got had a very pronounced vein that I did not expect. Not what I was used to.
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