ISO printable online shopping list

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Senior Cook
Nov 1, 2008
Does anyone know where to find a shopping list online that can/or can not be customised for printing?
Not sure I understand what you are looking for. Couldn't you just type one out and print it?
One of our supermarket chains has their flyers online and if you set up an online account with them you can make a shopping list from the flyer and/or add your own items. They even have most of the items in their store on a list that you can use as a basis for your list.

I am sure other stores have this as well.

I also know that some of the recipe software (Big Oven, MasterCook, etc.) have shopping lists in them.

Hope that helps.
If you make your own, one thing i would suggest ( assuming u go to the same store each week) make note of all the aisles, and whats in them. This way, when u make up your list, you can arrange it in aisle order, so you dont have jump all over the list, or even worse, forget something from aisle 3 when youve made it all the way to aisle 12 .

I tried doing this once, but ive found that a basic list and just winging it is what works for me.
My grocery list

I must be living in the Stone Age. Every week I bring my handwritten grocery list with me.

During the week I keep a blank pad on my desk and jot down grocery items that I need. On shopping day, I take my grocery list and check all my kitchen cupboards to see if I need some further food items.

My weekly grocery list is organized by the layout of our local SAVEMART Supermarket. I use my pen from my checkbook to cross out items as I put them in my grocery cart.

This simple system works for me. :chef:
Hey Larry - that's more like what I am looking for although that one you only print off what you want each time. I shop about 5 or 6 stores in a 70 km radius so I thought if I could line the stores up beside the item that would be cool, lots of times I come home with half my list not bought yet and then lose it. Thats how I end up with 4 bottles of hoisin or sweet chilli sauce. Each of the stores i go to has its strong points like good beef poor pork or good fish poor poultry etc. even if i use that one for a template it might work out Regards gage
...I shop about 5 or 6 stores in a 70 km radius so I thought if I could line the stores up beside the item that would be cool, lots of times I come home with half my list not bought yet and then lose it. Thats how I end up with 4 bottles of hoisin or sweet chilli sauce. Each of the stores i go to has its strong points like good beef poor pork or good fish poor poultry etc. even if i use that one for a template it might work out Regards gage


My SO does the shopping for a family as part of her home management business. I created a shopping list for her on an Excel spreadsheet. It's separated by the three markets she visits regularly - Whole Foods, Trader Joe's and a local mainstream supermarket chain. The list includes the recurring items purchased from each store plus blank lines for add-ons.

During the week, the family circles items needing replacement plus items needed for upcoming meals.

I modify the list from time to time to accommodate additions and deletions and print out a dozen or so at a time for her.
well that sounds close ,can you email a copy to me ,or pm
This is what it looks like. If you're interested, PM your email address.


  • Trader Joe's Shaws.pdf
    42.8 KB · Views: 135
  • Whole Foods Shopping List Whole Foods.pdf
    46 KB · Views: 156

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