Jack Daniels boycott/pettiton

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This happened with Gordon's Gin a number of years ago. Which is why I now drink another brand! Note that the price does not go down to compensate.... :cool:
Stopped buying the stuff myself, after they did that.

Not that I was a huge fan of it (Prefer good Kentucky Bourbons), but I did use it in cooking.

Had a friend give me a bottle of the new 80 proof stuff. They watered it down, and the new bottle was actually DARKER than the old 86 proof. Guess they didn't get the coloring for the new mix quite right..... :yuk:

Can't get to the link from work. So what's it all about?
Jack Daniels has, for the second time in 15 years, dropped the proof of Old No. 7.

It was 90, then they dropped it to 86. Now it's down to 80 proof.

Rainee said:
Did they say why they dropped it?

Basically sales... in a letter they sent one of the organizers they mention that "customers prefer lower grade spirits".

But their website say's that their recipy remains unchanged since it's origins.
Got several buddies who work at the distillery, I'll have to ask them about it.
To make the claim that it is ..."a clandestine drop in alcohol content" is BOGUS!!!! Read the label! Oh, you don't read the labels? It that their fault or yours?

But, I honestly doubt that consumers prefer the "lower alcohol content" ... they probably prefer the lower cost of the "Green" label - and that's hard to find around here because nobody buys it - they all want the "Black" label.

I'll let Raninee explain why 80-Proof is cheaper to produce than 90-Proof .... and thus cheaper for the consumer.
Michael in FtW said:
Read the label! Oh, you don't read the labels? It that their fault or yours?
Michael I see your point, but for people who have been drinking this stuff for year and years do you really expect them to read the label on each bottle they buy? If they have been buying it for year and it has always been the same why would they think they all of a sudden need to read the label?
i'll ask Jake if he wants to sign. i'm not going to cause i don't drink much Jack but he drinks jack and Coke alot.
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