January 8th, 2025 and it's HumpDay!

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
So what's on all your plates!

Pork Schnitzel, Spinach Ravioli, Leeks, Sweet Red Pepper some left/over Cream of Chicken Soup. (thought it was Cream of Mushroom... oh well....)

very yummy, even after the ruddy fry pan slid of the miserable burner and onto the floor... that burner has always been uneven and I'm usually super careful with it but tonight just caught the handle of the pan and away it went. At least it landed right-side up and I grabbed it up from the floor before it caused any damage.
Had to make a batch of dog food today, so I didn't want to do anything too complicated for our dinner. Grabbed a package of my home made, sous vide BBQ Spareribs from the freezer. I'll finish them on the que and serve them along side some Saucy Baked Beans and either a baked sweet or regular tater...TBD. Easy, peasy.
I bought a rotisserie chicken from Safeway tonight. It's been years since I've done that and I can't believe how the quality has gone down. I used to get a large chicken with crispy skin. I don't think the chicken I paid $9 for was even two pounds and the skin was soft and icky, so I peeled it all off. The legs were super small, but surprisingly, the breasts were large, so I ate the legs and put the breasts in the fridge for lunch tomorrow and the day after. So tonight was a little bit of chicken with a side salad and some popcorn for dessert.
I bought a rotisserie chicken from Safeway tonight. It's been years since I've done that and I can't believe how the quality has gone down. I used to get a large chicken with crispy skin. I don't think the chicken I paid $9 for was even two pounds and the skin was soft and icky, so I peeled it all off. The legs were super small, but surprisingly, the breasts were large, so I ate the legs and put the breasts in the fridge for lunch tomorrow and the day after. So tonight was a little bit of chicken with a side salad and some popcorn for dessert.

COSTCO still has their rotisserie chickens priced at $5.00, and they are pretty tasty birds. They lose money on them, but it gets shoppers to the back of the store. If you know someone with a COSTCO membership, see if you can go with them, and get a few rotisserie chickens.

I'm still having postdrome from the migraine that started early Tuesday morning (about 4:30 AM). So, went with something really simple, even though I wanted something warm. I had cold smoked salmon on wholewheat toast with cream cheese, capers, and onion. I have started diluting salty spreads, like cream cheese with sour cream or crème fresh to cut down on the salt. It tastes pretty darned good. I probably have some bagels in the freezer in the basement, but I wasn't up for the extra stairs. This is a lunch plate.

2025-01-08 Cold smoked salmon on ww toast with cream cheese, onion, and capers.jpg
My son, a bit a health type person, gym every day, etc. Has finally brought his migraines under control. Always a water drinker, now drinks even more water and viola! Have you increased your water intake @taxlady? anything's (not harmful) is worth a try to get rid of those debilitating headaches.
My son, a bit a health type person, gym every day, etc. Has finally brought his migraines under control. Always a water drinker, now drinks even more water and viola! Have you increased your water intake @taxlady? anything's (not harmful) is worth a try to get rid of those debilitating headaches.
I drink lots of water and have done so for years. I was told about increasing water intake to try to mitigate the migraines a long time ago. I didn't have any the last half of 2024, which is pretty good for me. I had 39 in 2020, which was unusual, but so was 2020.
I drink lots of water and have done so for years. I was told about increasing water intake to try to mitigate the migraines a long time ago. I didn't have any the last half of 2024, which is pretty good for me. I had 39 in 2020, which was unusual, but so was 2020.

Around the end of 2020, and beginning of 2021, I had a persistent head ache. It lasted four years, and stopped. I'm feeling it coming on again. I hope it doesn't last as long, this time.

and don't mistake hunger is often a thirst signal - when you thinnk you are hungry have a glass of water - surprise! you are not really hungry after all.
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