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Head Chef
Jan 16, 2016
Puget Sound, WA
I finally got a phone that will connect to WiFi and boy, is it a learning curve for me. I can't find my last thread so I'm starting a new one.

I may be doing a lot swap soon and the contractor is now putting in water, electric, and septic on the new lot. I won't have to pay him for water and a driveway since I've already paid for those on my lot, but I will be getting electric and septic much sooner than I thought and I can pay him back for that.

My little garden is doing OK. I have cherry tomatoes and strawberries in 5 gal buckets. They're not happy, but looking good. Corn is doing well and I have 4 watermelons growing, tho I don't expect them to mature before it gets cold.

The deer are busy eating everything they can get their sharp little teeth into, so I finally got some wood and am putting a cage together.

I still haven't seen any bears, cougars, or raccoons yet, but I did have a family of quail visit - mom, dad, and 8 chicks. The hummingbird has given up on landing on my head and uses the tomato cages to sit on now.

Otherwise, aside from the few hot days we've had, things are going great. I haven't saved as much money as I hoped because ice for the cooler is running me about $100/month and my car has needed umpteen repairs. But I have enough to pay for electric outright now and I hope to have that on the new lot in a couple of months.

You guys all take care. I can't wait to be back cooking for myself again and back here posting.
Nice to read you are doing well and everything is going good for you. Hummingbirds landing on your head? Too bad they are probably too fast for selfies. :)
Gosh RR you must have been reading my mind.

I was just talking to the geese about you yesterday, wondering how you were getting along, thinking it was about time you checked in.

What a wonderful coincident! Glad to hear all is going along pretty well.
Thanks for letting us know!
I finally got a phone that will connect to WiFi and boy, is it a learning curve for me. I can't find my last thread so I'm starting a new one...You guys all take care. I can't wait to be back cooking for myself again and back here posting.
So good to hear from you, rr! It sounds like your adventure has been more good than bad, so that's a plus. Any chance you could get that hummingbird to land on your open hand? Maybe tease it with a puddle of sugar water in your palm. The hummers that come to my feeder have gotten as close as 18" to me. Waiting for one to boop me on the nose. :LOL:

Looking forward to when you can be back to posting regular like. Till then, good luck with everything!
Thanks, everyone!

The hummingbird and robins have disappeared. It's been hot and very dry and I think they can't find bugs in the ground anymore. If I knew for sure I'd be staying on this lot, I'd have bird feeders and hummingbird feeders out.

The contractor has done nothing so far, so I'm giving him till the end of October. At that point, if he still hasn't done anything, I'm staying on my lot and not swapping.

I really miss cooking. Having to buy premade stuff is expensive.
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