Keeping the oven clean

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Senior Cook
Mar 7, 2009
Naperville, Illinois
Just moved into a new place. The oven looks like it's never been used, but I'll be taking care of that. Is there a way I can keep it spotless? Other than using oven cleaner every time I use it? It's gas, and has no self cleaning feature. Do I dare line the bottom with foil? I find frozen pizza doesn't cook well with foil on the shelf below it to catch the spilled cheese.
Ovens get dirty with use. Just plan on cleaning it when it smokes.

When you cook a roast, for example, some of the fat vaporizes and collects on the oven surfaces. The heat bonds the fat to the surface similar to seasoning a cast iron skillet.
They now make silicone type sheets to put on the floor of the oven. I haven't tried one, but it seems like a viable alternative (I've used other silicone products). If anyone has used these, please chime in!
the silicone liner works pretty well. Still, you need to pay attention to your oven and clean the liner from time to time. Grease can build up under it just from vapors etc also. Never run a self clean oven with the liner in . You will ruin your oven. However, the question was asked by someone without that feature.
Just moved into a new place. The oven looks like it's never been used, but I'll be taking care of that. Is there a way I can keep it spotless? Other than using oven cleaner every time I use it? It's gas, and has no self cleaning feature. Do I dare line the bottom with foil? I find frozen pizza doesn't cook well with foil on the shelf below it to catch the spilled cheese.
Just wipe any dirty spots or spills after each time you use the oven, and remember to clean it with the oven cleaning spray regularly, for example every month.
Do not use oven cleaner screeching you use it. That stuff's toxic.

Ovens get dirty. That's just how cooking works. Don't sweat it too much
I have read that if you wipe down the inside of your oven with a baking soda paste, it makes the oven much easier to clean the next time.

I haven't tried it. I don't clean my oven very often, but I don't cook messy stuff very often either. No pies running over, and meat is usually cooked very low and slow, so no spattering.
I have the silicone mat on the floor of my oven and it works well. No change in the way the oven works. I pull it out about once a month and rinse it off in the sink and replace it. The oven is about 2 years old while it doesn't look "new" anymore it still looks clean. My oven is electric so I don't know how things might be in a gas oven.
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