Know how to make hard cookies soft?

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Assistant Cook
Jan 27, 2004
My mom has this trick for making hard cookies soft that I think is so neat...and so easy!

If you have cookies that are too hard or are bought hard at the store just put them in a zip lock baggy with a slice of bread for a few hours. They will soften right up!
hard cookies

what a neat idea.
I never thought of that. I found that if I bake cookies on parchment paper it keeps them soft.
I also really whip the butter at the beginning of the recipes. I get it nice and fluffy and that seems to work too. 8)
Then you can eat them with a straw, very attractive!!! :)
You could process the raisins with a little orange juice in the blender or food processor before incorporating them in the cookies. Soggy disembodied flies, mmmmmmmmm delicious!
And that way, if any flies happen to jump in with the raisins, you will never know the difference!

:) Barbara
My SIL just showed me that a couple of months ago! Though where a cookie is touching the bread gets a little too soft. I like to dunk mine in coffee!

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