Last night's dinner? Saturday, December 14, 2024

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
I did all the prep, then Craig cooked and put together a Mexican lasagna that had ground round with onions and garlic cooked in purchased enchilada sauce with chile powder and cumin added. I made up a faux Mexican ricotta type cheese using farmer's cheese and sour cream since we didn't want to drive to the Mexican only market, plus he used grated Oaxaca cheese, and corn tortillas for the noodles. He also cooked up a batch of refried beans using black beans, and used that as a layer. It was okay, I'm not fond of really wet lasagnas, but it tasted good and he certainly liked it.
I had four open-faced sandwiches on Wasa sourdough rye crispbread. Two were roast Wagyu beef and two were cold smoked salmon on cream cheese. I had a banana and an orange for dessert.
You reminded me. I had 2 packages of wasa rye crispbread in the cabinet that were in there too long. I crunched them up and put them in the food processor so I had small crispy crumbs for breading veggies I bake. Now I have a choice of ww crumbs or rye crumbs to use.

We had meal sized salads last night, caesar dressing or tomato dressing.
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