Lay's China: Mustard Octopus Potato Chips Review...

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

Back to the big Asian food store for this potato chip.

Well I fully tasted the chips the so called Mustard flavor was up front and then you had some sort of fish flavor in the end.

Did not taste much fish flavor though.

Flavor here was not bad.

A medium sized thumbs up here for this flavor potato chips.
Well that's different :online2lo

We used to have a very large Asian store close to where I work that I would stop into now and then, but they closed that location to move to another part of town that is no longer convenient for me to drive to. I used to love going in there and checking out all the bizarre foodstuff. It's also where I bought my chopsticks and some soup spoons.

Prawn crackers was a favorite snack of mine to pick up anytime I would stop in.
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