Making Quiche, made an ooopsie!

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Doing two quiche, loaded with sweet peppers, ham, broccoli (passed on the spinach) Using Tenderflake 9" pie crusts.
Everything got divided up and equally spread around.
Preheated the oven.
Even measured out the egg & cream mixture to be sure it was even.
As I'm using my toaster oven - only have room for one at a time.
So poured in the liquid, popped into the preheated oven. Set the timer.

Turned around and discovered I had poured the liquid in the 2nd quiche as well. I wasn't going to!!!
Seeing as the 1st one is 15 + 20 minutes of cooking - that liquid is going to be sitting in the pie crust 'til the first one is done!

Asking everyone to keep their fingers/toes/eyes crossed that the crust survives the soaking. Arghhhh!
Not only got carried away adding the liquid mixture I completely forgot my own tips on baking crusts.
1. As I've usually made my own crusts, my experiences with premade crusts have not always been successes. The fillings for a 9" pie usually exceed the capacity of the crust with the dreaded overflow to everywhere results. So I was quite conservative in filling them - and shouldn't have worried. Didn't puff up and didn't spill over.
2. Always place a cookie sheet in the oven to preheat with the oven. This give the bottom crust an extra boost for cooking - no soggy bottom crust. oopsie...
.. Going along with #1, I had plenty of room for both spinach and the forgotten mushrooms.
But the test taste was delicious despite all of the above .... just have to remember for next time!
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