Washing Up
Paint I complely understand what you said (do not apologize) and agree that the differences in English and American makes for some misundersandings. I visit my family in Norway often and I have to remind myself to speak ENGLISH or I am having to repeat myself. The same in restaurants there, do not ask to change the menu. Sometimes when I am out here, children are screaming and parents seem deaf. I saw a couple who put their children at a separate booth within eye shot but a few booths away and proceeded to ignore their lousy behavior yelling, throwing food, taking other's food, etc. (rather like Lord of the FLies) The oldest was about 9 and the youngest was 2-3. On my way out, I walked by the table where the parents were sitting and said "I feel so sorry for those children. I am going to talk to the security guard outside to see if he can find the parents because kids that young should go out alone, don't you agree? Maybe he can find the parents." I watched from my car and the mom went to the table took the kids to sit with them.