Menu for a three course celebration dinner

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Bolas De Fraile

Executive Chef
Oct 28, 2010
In 3 weeks 6 days 20 hrs and 15 mins I will be celebrating the end of my diet. My fragrant wife has promised me that if I can hit my target weight I can cook one slap up meal before I go on a 2000 cal daily intake regime (I would have settled for sex, but hey ho you cant have everything) so I would really like traditional regional home cooking recipes for my three course meal.
Bolas De Fraile said:
In 3 weeks 6 days 20 hrs and 15 mins I will be celebrating the end of my diet. My fragrant wife has promised me that if I can hit my target weight I can cook one slap up meal before I go on a 2000 cal daily intake regime (I would have settled for sex, but hey ho you cant have everything) so I would really like traditional regional home cooking recipes for my three course meal.

And....I'm sorry, but i just have to ask.......your "fragrant wife" ? Lol!

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So you want to celebrate in the American South. Good choice; we do food well. Let's go "traditional", since you asked for regional favorites.
We'll start with marinated Apalachicola Bay oysters; they're small, so six per person won't spoil your appetite. Shuck the oysters, and put them and their liquor in a shallow pan and heating gently just until the edges curl. Lift the oysters out of the liquid and arrange in a single layer in a glass pie pan. Top the oysters with 1 onion and 1 lemon, thinly sliced; sprinkle some fresh parsley over the onion and lemon; grind a little black pepper on top. Add some vinegar, bay leaves and pickling spice to the oyster liquor and bring to a boil. Cool, strain and pour over the oysters. Cover tightly and refrigerate at least over night and for up to 2 days. Serve on plates or shells, with a fork.

I don't usually think seafood and cheese, but wouldn't want you to miss either our cheese straws or the glazed pecans, so I 'll put a couple of dishes of those on the table to occupy you while I look at the biscuits.
It's probably a good think this is an "occasion" meal, because if you eat like this more than occasionally, you have to do a lot of farm work to stay as svelte as you are now. Our main course will be: fried chicken; biscuits, with butter, molasses, pear preserves, and apple butter;the last of the turnip greens, cooked with jowl (I like it better than hocks for greens - hocks mean beans to me); corn pudding; the first of the garden peas, cooked on limestone leaf lettuce; deviled eggs; cucumber salad, also known as dressed cucumbers around here. Lots of folks would serve mashed potatoes and I sure don't mind making them; if you would like them, I'll make a chicken cream gravy for them, but then you's have to have another biscuit to sample biscuits and gravy. Your choice, but wouldn't want you to miss out on dessert.
Now dessert has a lot of possibilities. My first thought, because of the season, would be strawberry shortcake, but I make mine with a true short cake, with is a very rich biscuit. You just had biscuits and may not want a repeat. Banana pudding is always good and very Southern, but not terribly impressive. I do still have a couple of quarts of blackberries in the freezer from last Summer; I could do a cobbler or mountain pie with those and serve whipped cream with them. I have a source for "lightly pasteurized" cream and the taste difference is phenomenal. My choice would be wither a towering, fresh coconut cake or my grandmother-in-law's amazing fudge pie.

You pick, you're the guest!
Bolas, what region? What country? Lol!

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I was thinking all the regions in North America, SB I am a true romantic I married on Valentines Day and my wife to me is more beautiful than any of the fragrant roses I have given her:)

NoraC thanks, I have 5 wks to go before I get near my previous svelteness, my much younger wife has only put on 2lbs in 11 years and I do feel guilty, I dont think I will get back to what I looked like when I was 49 yrs but I will give it a good bash.

padeswood 047.jpg
SB I am a true romantic I married on Valentines Day and my wife to me is more beautiful than any of the fragrant roses I have given her.
Bolas you are a "true romantic" what a lovely thought, to be known as someone's "fragrant wife". Your wife must be very lucky indeed! Thanks fir sharing, and now I am going to think of a menu for you from my part of the world!

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Thank you but I am the lucky one, it took me a lot of goes to find someone I loved and for that person to reciprocate is my raison d'etre.
The meal will last longer and you won't be sweaty after.

If you were in my area I would suggest.

Antipasta platter with roasted garlic/veggies/olives/cheese and maybe a few deep fried zuccini blossoms if you can find them.

Cioppino with some sourdough bread for sloppin' it up.

A canoli or a slice of one of your cakes for dessert
Here is the menu I offer from the Pacific Northwest:

Appetizer - Penn Cove Mussels in White Wine and Garlic with crusty Artisan bread

Salad - Baby Spinach with warm bacon, honey mustard dressing

Main/Sides - Grilled Alaskan Salmon, Roasted Idaho baby red potatoes, Steamed or grilled Walla Walla Asparagus

Dessert - Baked Washington (or BC)Apple Crisp with a scoop of Tillamook (Oregon) vanilla ice cream

How about a nice BC or Washington white wine to go with the meal?
Bon Apetite'

I think I will eventually mosey over to recipes and post these :chef:
Thank you Bunny, I hope the menu I choose does not cause a bump! and may I say your menu has excellent balance.
bolas, food is about giving to me.

you sound a lot like me, somewhere between your funny sig line and your raison d' etre as it relates to your amour.

armor is spelled too close to just be a coincidence, huh?

so, in that light, what special foods do you and your love, well, love.

for dw and i, a dinner that i love that she loves makes me the most satisfied.

are you beef people, or seafood? pork, fowl, lamb, or wild game? give us a protein you both love. we'll fill in the rest.

looking for a light meal so you two can tango? i'm sure we can come up with our regional specialties.
Good question Tom mate, when I met my wife she was a Pescatarian, she will eat red meat that is well cooked but not steak, she will eat pig and fowl, infact here favorite meat is pork, she will not eat mushrooms:(and does not like any sweet and sour combinations.
I on the other hand will eat anything for I am an equal opportunity gannet:)
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