Monday, 3/28/16, what's on your plate?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Cauliflower and red lentil curry that Craig made yesterday, Indian style. I just started a naan-type flat bread to go with.
I have the annual meeting for the condo association so I'll have a quick bowl of soup before I go and SO will have a bowl whenever she feels like it.
I'm planning on frying up some beef liver. I cooked up a bunch of collard greens the other day so I'll probably have some of that too.
We have a lot of leftover prime rib from yesterday. We only like rare so I'll bring some of it up to room temp and serve it with boiling hot Au Jus. I might do a veggie stir fry.
An Italian chicken thigh and tomato "stew", served over farro. This is the second time we have made farro, and really liked it with braised calamari. Why did it take me so long to learn about farro? Broc on the side.
tenspeed, probably took you so long because it costs so much more than rice/barley/etc. I know that's the reason I took so long! :LOL:

Good thing we eat late because I STILL can't decide what. We have leftover ham (of course, and for the rest of the week) that might be used breakfasty-style, or Chinese and Italian leftovers, or maybe a trip to the corner restaurant and bar for their Today's Facebook Special of $6 burger and fries with a beverage purchase. Option one or two are more likely since I don't have to put on make-up to eat at home. :LOL:
I'm so glad to have real food!

Hubby smoked a pre-cooked ham yesterday and so I sliced the leftover section and stuck it in the crockpot with pork gravy and bacon.

Cat baked sweet potatoes and steamed cauliflower with my cheese sauce.

For dessert, we had cheesecake with my raspberry preserves. I ate too much!

I love being home. Y'all wouldn't believe what passes for food in a hospital!
tenspeed, probably took you so long because it costs so much more than rice/barley/etc. I know that's the reason I took so long! :LOL:
Yeah, but still cheaper than an order of fries at a fast food joint, and a lot healthier.

It's a pretty rare occasion to find me at a fast food restaurant, but as best I can recall a McMeal runs $6 - $7 for one. Using that as a baseline, I can justify just about anything we eat at home, not to mention the health issues. When you cook at home you can more easily control what you eat. Restaurants cook for taste, not for health.
It's a pretty rare event to find us at ANY restaurant, tenspeed! We do fast food when we travel if we have to, and sometimes we'll go to the local Chick-fil-a on a whim.

It's not like I'm a Michelin-level 4-star chef. We have a couple favorite restaurants near us, and a couple favorites we've found as we've traveled. Still, when it comes to cost comparison, we like my cooking better for flavor and value. :chef: And I bet a lot of other DCers feel the same way.
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