Monday, January 13, '25 Supper/Dinner

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Had to go to Miami today so got a bucket of Church's fried chicken and 6 honey butter biscuits. Had to stop at Publix for a few things so got some potato salad. Lunch and probably dinner/snack as well.

Well, I got around to slicing the tenderloin and breading it aaaannd back in the fridge it went. Still haven't done the mashers for the cottage pie either.

I think I went too early to the gym. Had multiple cramps and aches. Didn't even do the full work. Came home and browsed recipes for the rest of the day.
I tried to make Parmesan roasted shrimp tonight and got everything together and went to add the Parmesan...and I didn't have any. How I forgot I used it all, I have no idea. So I threw in a little honey, lemon juice, and butter and got something that was edible but that was about it. Tomorrow I'm going to the laundromat and then back to the store on the way home to get all the things I forgot the first time.
I had the second karbonade, that I made Saturday. I had the resto of the whole wheat macaroni with pesto this time. Then there was a new to me recipe of red cabbage slaw with apple and tangerine. The recipe called for orange, but all I had was tangerines, so that's what I used. Pretty good and a nice change.

2025-01-13 Karbonade, ww macaroni with pesto, red cabbage slaw with apple and tangerine.jpg
I tried to make Parmesan roasted shrimp tonight and got everything together and went to add the Parmesan...and I didn't have any. How I forgot I used it all, I have no idea. So I threw in a little honey, lemon juice, and butter and got something that was edible but that was about it. Tomorrow I'm going to the laundromat and then back to the store on the way home to get all the things I forgot the first time.

The story of my life. :rolleyes:

Same with Home Improvement stores. No project is done until I've been to Lowes/Home Depot at least twice.

Would you please share?
Sure, Google translate does a good job on this. Only problem I saw is that it says to filet two of the oranges, rather than saying to supreme them. You might have figured that out. I didn't bother with the foofing with the tangerines. I just peel and cut them up so they make enough juice to keep the apple from oxidizing. If you have any questions about the translation, let me know. I made one quarter of the recipe. From looking at the quantity that made, I think that would be three servings. Here's the link to the original recipe in Danish:

Thank you.
That looks really delicious! I think that doing the squeezy juice thing and then adding the flesh before mixing it would make it very interesting.
It’s something simple but I have never tried apple, orange and cabbage together. I might try it with tangerine too!
Thank you.
That looks really delicious! I think that doing the squeezy juice thing and then adding the flesh before mixing it would make it very interesting.
It’s something simple but I have never tried apple, orange and cabbage together. I might try it with tangerine too!
Just something you might want to try. I ate a bit of it and thought it needed a little something. I added the tiniest pinch of salt and that was it. I might want to try a bit of Tajin another time.

Yes, that recipe is very simple, but that was one of the things that made it sound interesting.
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