Monday, January 13, '25 Supper/Dinner

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I had the second karbonade, that I made Saturday.

I looked up karbonade, and it is a breaded and fried Latvian pork cutlet. I also saw karbonader, which is a Norwegian beef patty preparation. Then I found another definition as a Danish breaded and fried ground pork patty.

I assume you made the Danish one.

I looked up karbonade, and it is a breaded and fried Latvian pork cutlet. I also saw karbonader, which is a Norwegian beef patty preparation. Then I found another definition as a Danish breaded and fried ground pork patty.

I assume you made the Danish one.

Yup, I made the Danish one. I actually described in the Saturday supper thread, when I made the two of them. This time my breading was just a dip in flour. I think I prefer with the bread crumbs. It's not so much the flavour or texture as I have been able to keep them from puffing up in the middle when they are frying when I have used bread crumbs. Or, maybe it was just coincidence that they weren't as flat this time.

Danes will argue about the difference between a "karbonade" and a "krebinet". As far as I can figure, it's simply a regional thing. In some parts of Denmark they use one word and in other parts they use another one, but people can get passionate about it. :ROFLMAO:
Latvian, Polish, Danish either meat patties (pork) or cutlets. Looked up several of those recipes and all so very similar and ALL VERY YUMMY.
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