Mother's Day plans?

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my girl is working today, but will come to visit me from Maryland on Thursday. we have been celebrating holidays at off-times for most of her life, so it's no biggie for us. I have flowers and candy, and am spending my day reading and shopping online at a sale that announced itself as 'not just any sale, but the mother of all sales.' now I ask you, how'mi supposed to resist the mother sale of sales?! and it was, too. I saved $206.00 spending only $60.00. I wish I could get sale margins like that on my food purchases....:)
I feel so blessed. I actually had the weekend off which only happens about once every 3 weeks. The weather was GORGEOUS! Ken treated me like a queen as usual, and my girls never cease to amaze me with their thoughtfulness and generosity. The best part of the day was getting to sit together over dinner and enjoy time with everyone.

I'm a little late, but hope all the Moms out there enjoyed their days. To all of you ladies who have become a part of my family online, you mean the world to me and I feel blessed to have met all of you.

Sounds like a perfect Moms Day, Alix. Glad your day was so special. I'm looking forward to when we move back home to where our kids still live and I can pretend Mother's Day is once a week (or more) just to have them over for dinners.
I got a text from my future DIL, a call from my oldest, and later a text from my youngest. His text read "happy occasion day" and gave me a chuckle. He has such a dry sense of humor. I am usually referred to as the female parental unit so his text is appropriate! I stayed home and vegged on netflix all day!
One of our former exchange students arrived yesterday for a week-long visit. DH took us to brunch at a restaurant on the riverfront and then we walked around an arts festival downtown that takes place every Mother's Day weekend.

For dinner, I made pan-grilled New York strip steaks, pan-seared sea scallops, and roasted potatoes with evoo, rosemary and S&P. I served that with a spring mix from the garden dressed with Meyer lemon vinaigrette.

I had made a lemon aioli for the scallops, but when I took it out of the fridge, I dropped it and broke the bowl. Arrgghh! The scallops went well with the vinaigrette, though! :)
I got a text from my future DIL, a call from my oldest, and later a text from my youngest. His text read "happy occasion day" and gave me a chuckle. He has such a dry sense of humor. I am usually referred to as the female parental unit so his text is appropriate! I stayed home and vegged on netflix all day!

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: It gave you only a chuckle, and I am still laughing. :angel:
One of our former exchange students arrived yesterday for a week-long visit. DH took us to brunch at a restaurant on the riverfront and then we walked around an arts festival downtown that takes place every Mother's Day weekend.

For dinner, I made pan-grilled New York strip steaks, pan-seared sea scallops, and roasted potatoes with evoo, rosemary and S&P. I served that with a spring mix from the garden dressed with Meyer lemon vinaigrette.

I had made a lemon aioli for the scallops, but when I took it out of the fridge, I dropped it and broke the bowl. Arrgghh! The scallops went well with the vinaigrette, though! :)

Julia had always said, "If you are in the kitchen alone, no one will ever know." And I certainly won't tell.

Every Mother's Day at the Arboretum in Jamaica Plain, there are maybe two, three or even more hundred lilac bushes in full bloom. One year my sister and I told no one where we were going and decided to be selfish for a change. We headed out there and enjoyed a wonderful peaceful day of smelling lilacs all day long. We walked all over the grounds and my sister got some great ideas of what to put in her garden. She even bought some plants to take home and plant. The Arboretum is part of the Emerald Necklace of Boston which includes the Public Gardens with the swans and Swan Boats. The Necklace is a series of parks that circle Boston and are connected by walking paths. :angel:
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I had made a lemon aioli for the scallops, but when I took it out of the fridge, I dropped it and broke the bowl. Arrgghh! The scallops went well with the vinaigrette, though! :)

What, you didn't scrape up the good part and use it? :LOL: True story: my Mom had my HS boyfriend's parents over for dinner one Sunday. The Moms were in the kitchen - so was I - and the chicken platter tipped, dumping all the pieces on the floor. His Mom looked at my Mom and asked "you washed the floor, right?". Of course Mom had! So his Mom said "quick, pick it up before anyone comes in" and told me to not breathe a word. :ROFLMAO: We all lived, so it was all good.
Every Mother's Day at the Arboretum in Jamaica Plain, there are maybe two, three or even more hundred lilac bushes in full bloom. One year my sister and I told no one where we were going and decided to be selfish for a change. We headed out there and enjoyed a wonderful peaceful day of smelling lilacs all day long. We walked all over the grounds and my sister got some great ideas of what to put in her garden. She even bought some plants to take home and plant. The Arboretum is part of the Emerald Necklace of Boston which includes the Public Gardens with the swans and Swan Boats. The Necklace is a series of parks that circle Boston and are connected by walking paths. :angel:

The Greater Cleveland area has a beautiful Emerald Necklace, with something like a dozen parks strung through two or three counties. I drove a route to work that took me along one of the parkways connecting the larger parks on my way to work. About this time each year I would smell spring onions popping up in the grass edging the road. A sure sign of spring!
What, you didn't scrape up the good part and use it? :LOL: True story: my Mom had my HS boyfriend's parents over for dinner one Sunday. The Moms were in the kitchen - so was I - and the chicken platter tipped, dumping all the pieces on the floor. His Mom looked at my Mom and asked "you washed the floor, right?". Of course Mom had! So his Mom said "quick, pick it up before anyone comes in" and told me to not breathe a word. :ROFLMAO: We all lived, so it was all good.

I have been known to do that with certain foods, but it was in a ceramic bowl which smashed on the floor, and I didn't want to risk us ingesting any of that.
Today my Mother's Day present arrived from my youngest. It is an 8" Analon Advanced French Skillet. It is rather heavy. Really solid. Now if only I could get those farm fresh eggs he keeps promising me. He emailed me that today he might be able to stop by and drop off the eggs. But I am not holding my breath. Blue is not my favorite color today. I just may have to rent a rooster and hen to start my own flock and wait for them to lay those eggs. Those eggs may just become the running family joke. :angel:
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