My canning pot could be chipped

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Senior Cook
May 15, 2020
Prior Lake
After using my canning pot to make tamales, I noticed near the top (I think there might've been a bump there from a design flaw which maybe chipped) that there was a white mark. I rubbed it with a cloth before thinking maybe the enamel is gone/got chipped off.

I'm assuming, as I never cook in the big thing, only really use it to steam/can salsa/jam that it's still safe to use for the stuff I use it for?

Is rust a worry? Should I treat it or something?

(It's still dirty near the bottom of pot from tamale making, so that's what the orange/yellow is)


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I wouldn't worry about it, since it's not a pressure canner. Since its only boiling or steaming the different things, with the lid on loosely, it won't affect it, even if it was chipped.
Is it the white blob? Does it feel like a chip when you run your finger over it? In any case, I wouldn't worry about it.
Even should it be a chip (which I don't think it is) the fact it is high on the side makes it fully OK to use for anything else including those tamales.
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