My favourite in the late 60's - being discontinued!

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario

I bought one almost everyday! They were so great.
A lot of my friends didn't like them but,

ohhhh nibble off the thin bottom chocolate, suck out the creamy filling, munch the prize cherry, gobble up the rest of the chocolate!

Iconic Cherry Blossom
I actually didn't realize they were made in Montreal, guess that's why mine were always fresh. I once had one while visiting Toronto and it was actually stale - needless to say I was a bit taken back.
I hae always preferred the liquid center chocolate covered cherries as opposed to the cordials, but most of the time could only find liquid centeres sold individually at the check out counter. Well, I juist found them at Wally World so I will put them on my list for the next grocery order.
I used to buy the Cherry Blossom candies once in a while. I really liked the thick chocolate outside with little bits of something in it. But, I hate that overly sweet goo and cherry on the inside. I always threw away that part. I find other kinds of chocolate covered cherries in goo even worse.
My maternal grandfather loved chocolate covered cherries. He and I liked a lot of the same foods, but that was not one of them.

I liked both the small ones and the big ones.
It was a matter of finance at the time. A box of the small ones was a couple of buck$ and a single Blossom was the price of an ordinary chocolate bar. Less than a dollar.
I probably spent the same amount on individual Blossoms but had I bought a box of covered cherries I would probably have finished them all off in a couple of hours. Whereas with the Blossoms I would purchase them one by one through out the week.
These cherry candies must be a regional thing because I've never heart of them.

My "go to" are dark chocolate-covered cherries. Only can get them here at Christmastime and Valentine's Day.

Got a few in December and will add some in February, then I'll be set for the year.
These cherry candies must be a regional thing because I've never heart of them.

My "go to" are dark chocolate-covered cherries. Only can get them here at Christmastime and Valentine's Day.

Got a few in December and will add some in February, then I'll be set for the year.
Are they just dipped in chocolate or is there a syrupy layer? I would happily try some that were dipped in dark chocolate with no goo.
Are they just dipped in chocolate or is there a syrupy layer? I would happily try some that were dipped in dark chocolate with no goo.
There is very little "goo" and there is a bit of a syrupy layer. I love them and look forward to Christmas and Valentine's Day to hoard them. Usually keep them in the refrigerator or, to keep my paws off, in the freezer.
Mine would be gone within 3 days... hoarding contrary to beliefs in dragon lore - hoarding sweets is not included in the list.
I had a great aunt that used to make candy in New Orleans. (I don't know the name of her shop.) In going through some family recipes, I found a small stash of her recipes. The pralines are brilliant. I want to try the chocolate-covered cherries at some point. In her recipe, you make a light fondant with fine sugar , water. and a bit of gelatin with some other things. You then cover the cherry lightly with the fondant. Place in the refrigerator to get cold. And then dip in chocolate to set aside at room temperature. I'm neck-deep in sorting through items to try to get more organized, but maybe I will get to the point where I would feel relaxed in giving them a try.
Have never read much on candy making but what I have read sounds about right with what you are saying on the fondant and cherries.
Well, when you get to it - best of luck and certainly let us know.

You do know you can't post without a certain "mod with official capacity to test candy" for passing said experiment, right?
Get in touch for further instructions.

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