Jacky, sometimes it has to do with how you were raised. Mom bought a huge chest freezer in the early sixties at a Monkey Wards scratch & dent sale, and freezing became a way of life. I learned to cook for 6 and somehow never really got out of the habit for stuff like chili, red sauce, stews, soups (even though I never had children). I no longer have a separate freezer, but mine is still always full of leftovers, and I make stuff like the above and stocks from scratch. A meal for us might mean up to 2 or 3 more meals in the future. I also have two elderly shut-in friends who I bring the ocaisional meal to. Periodically, though, something falls to the back or gets mis-labeled and I wonder, what in the X&&^%$$ us this? Thaw and announce to husband we're having a mystery meal. Once in awhile I do throw it out, but usually it is something I can transform!