New member from Texas

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Sous Chef
Apr 24, 2022
unincorporated area
My husband and I live on a small farm in central Texas, with vegetable and flower gardens, a small flock of hens, and two cats.
I love to cook and bake. Constantly looking for new recipes and new techniques. I'm sure I'll find both here.
Hi and welcome to DC

My neighbor across the alley raises chickens in their backyard facing us. They sure do talk a lot, the chickens, not the neighbor. Also there is a hawk that frequently circles overhead. It has swooped down Click that Quick !! and carted off a squirrel from our yard.
There are years worth of recipes, and techniques to be found on DC, plus people who are very knowledgeable, friendly, supportive, and who love to share. We are truly a community. Welcome. To start things off, I give you my pancake recipe. Try it. You will never use a boxed mix again. Welcome to DC.

Chief's Moist and Fluffy Pancakes

These pancakes come out so moist and light that you will never buy a pancake mix again. Enjoy them.

Dry Ingredients:
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tbs. Sugar
½ tsp. Salt
1 tbs. Double Acting Baking Powder

Wet Ingredients:
3/4 cup milk
1 large Egg
3 tbs. Cooking oil

Preheat the griddle. Place the dry ingredients into a large bowl and stir together with a wire whisk or mixing spoon. Add the remaining ingredients and again stir until mixed. Do not stir until all the lumps are gone as this will over-mix the batter. There should be small lumps. These will disappear while cooking the pancakes.
Cook over medium heat until the bubbles close slowly as they rise and pop. Do not cook until the bubbles stay open as this will dry out the pancake. And most importantly, Don’t squish them down with your cake turner or spatula. When they are ready to flip, turn them over and cook for about 1 minute more. Remove from the pan and serve immediately. If you must cook up enough for a bunch of people, keep them warm by stacking in a large-rectangular cake pan and placing the pan into a 120' oven covered with a clean kitchen towel.
You can add blueberries to the uncooked batter without changing anything else. However, if you add acidic fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, or pineapple, you will need to add ½ tsp. Baking soda to the batter to balance the acid from the fruit.
The above recipe makes enough pancakes for two people. Yo can easily enlarge the recipe by simply multiplying the ingredients by the same number. That is, if you double the flour, multiply all other ingredients by two.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
If you eat a 720Z steak, baked potato, biscuit, salad and 2 or 3 fried shrimp you get it for free..

Some woman is crushing it right now.. 12 minutes left. :LOL:
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