Newbie from California

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Assistant Cook
Feb 21, 2005
Hello everyone. I am sorta new here, I was a member awhile ago, but my I had a lot of computer problems and my life took a total turn. I am back now, and hopefully for good. I lost all my names and passwords to everything so I just started a new name and password here. I know my old name was something like Marie or something, but I wouldn't have an idea what my password I had way too many Now I am trying to stick to one. So let me introduce myself all over again.

My name is Lisa and I am 26 years old from California. I am originally from Pennsylvania. I enjoy Cooking, Baking, Gardening, Listening to Music, Sports, and just being outdoors. I am engaged to be married soon to a wonderful man and I have a 7 year old little boy. I look foward to getting to know all of you again and sharing recipes.
Hi Lisa

I'm glad your back!
Hi Lisa,

I remember you from when you were Marie. I was wondering where you went. Glad to have you back!!!
Thank you all very much for the welcome. It's good to be back!! :D
I have a question..I go to my profile and choose my state so I can get the flag and such, but it doesn't save it or something. I click submit, but I don't know what I am doing wrong?
Even though you probably already picked your country you actually need to pick it again when picking your state. Try picking both again at the same time and that should do it.
Did you ever say what part of Ca. you are in? I hope you are out of the flooded areas.
I live in Southern Los Angeles. My area isn't flooded, but I am close to some. We have pretty good drainage here. Thank god!
I was from the Philly area. More near Allentown. I always say Philly cause just about everyone knows that place. But I used to live in Emmaus. It was a very quiet town.
AngelBear said:
I was from the Philly area. More near Allentown. I always say Philly cause just about everyone knows that place. But I used to live in Emmaus. It was a very quiet town.

OMG!!!!!!!!! I grew up (for 8 years) in Wescosville and went to Emmaus High School! Class of '92!
Yup that's where I went too. I am going on March 3rd for a visit. I still have friends and family there. I know that I will probably see snow there Right now we got rain here in Cali, but when I get to PA I will see

I welcome you too here from Germany ( nearby Geilenkirchen where the Awac-Airbase is)

I hope to hear some of you. ;)

lg Tanja
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