
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Assistant Cook
Feb 2, 2005
I've only stalked the site - reviewing all of the insight everyone brings.

I hope I can provide some good insight as well. I like all sorts of cooking and am interested in learning about new and different types as well.

This is the only forum I've found that has a good mix of domestic and international folks.

Look forward to my education!
Thanks for the warm welcomes... it's a tad bit intimidating that everyone that said hello has over 1,000 posts under their belt...

Hope I can bring something to the party... :)
well, get posting then! ;)
geez, now i'm insecure about how many posts i have. so few are recipes :oops: .

wait 'till the queen of the posts chimes in... ('bug?)
It's nice to have you here Bupo! :D We're just a very chatty group of people! It dosen't take long for your number of posts to add up on here. :LOL:
Welcome! I really enjoyed looking at your site. Is BBQ time around the corner? Not here. We have snow snow and snow.

Welcome bupo, I hope you have a great time here with us. It's a lot of fun!
I really don't bite..but after checking out your web page...Wow!
Hey DC..lets all bring a dish and head over to Bupo's!
Where are you located so we all won't get lost? You show the U.S. Flag but thats a lot of ground to cover!
Been there, done that.
Well - the company and all the BBQ pics are based in South Carolina - about 45 minutes Northwest of Charleston.

But I make my home in Atlanta...

Either way... bring a bib! :)
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