When I get homesick, I miss things that are no longer there. Items such as the Woolsworth lunch counter or the old Sports Center. Even my mother's home-cooking because my mother no longer cooks! I was hoping that people would share (recipes included) their favorite recipe from Mom, Auntie, Grandma/pa, etc. Anyone who makes you feel you are "home."
Banana Pudding
1 box of Nilla wafers
3 or 4 very ripe bananas
2 eggs, separated
1 - large box of regular vanilla pudding (or three cups of homemade vanilla custard)
whole milk
Add milk (whatever it says on the box) and pudding along with two egg yolks. Give it all a good whisking. Cook this stirring constantly over a double boiler until it is thick and smooth. Add around 2 tablespoons of real butter and stir it in. Line a deep, round casserole with Nilla wafers and put a thin layer of pudding mixture. Then a layer of bananas. Then pudding. (If you coat the bananas in pudding each time, they will not discolor!) Put wafers on the sides as well. It's pretty!
Keep layering ending in whatever nilla wafers are left. Use the leftover egg whites and make meringue. (Momma made it with a bit of castor sugar and a pinch of cream of tarter. She beat the egg whites until stiff.) Top the pudding with meringue and toss it in the over at 350% until the meringue browns.
It's totally yummy. The family joke was Uncle Clyde could telepathically link to banana pudding because he would simply show up on days when it was made.
And truly, no one makes this better than Momma.
Banana Pudding
1 box of Nilla wafers
3 or 4 very ripe bananas
2 eggs, separated
1 - large box of regular vanilla pudding (or three cups of homemade vanilla custard)
whole milk
Add milk (whatever it says on the box) and pudding along with two egg yolks. Give it all a good whisking. Cook this stirring constantly over a double boiler until it is thick and smooth. Add around 2 tablespoons of real butter and stir it in. Line a deep, round casserole with Nilla wafers and put a thin layer of pudding mixture. Then a layer of bananas. Then pudding. (If you coat the bananas in pudding each time, they will not discolor!) Put wafers on the sides as well. It's pretty!
Keep layering ending in whatever nilla wafers are left. Use the leftover egg whites and make meringue. (Momma made it with a bit of castor sugar and a pinch of cream of tarter. She beat the egg whites until stiff.) Top the pudding with meringue and toss it in the over at 350% until the meringue browns.
It's totally yummy. The family joke was Uncle Clyde could telepathically link to banana pudding because he would simply show up on days when it was made.
