O-So Grape Soda Review....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

This was final flavor of soda I had left from my small Cracker Barrell haul.

The only O-so flavor that place had for sale.

This looks like grape soda.

This tasted like grape soda. A really nice grape soda

Certainly different flavor from the Huckleberry soda I had last week.

A big thumbs up from me on this item.
I loved grape soda as a kid. And grape Koolaid. And grape Jello. And grape Lick 'Em Sticks (or whatever those things were called), and grape... everything.
When I weas a kid the fruit flavor soda (pop) was NEHI. They had orange, cherry, grape, and a fruit punch, which was half cherry and half orange.
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