Past Food Fads

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Sous Chef
Apr 24, 2022
unincorporated area
Anyone remember food fads that (thankfully) have disappeared? I remember salad dressing sprays. Terrible thing to do to a good salad. Consumers and cooks have wised up!
Remind us of fads that have gone into the history books.
we also used to just eat chicken wings and pizza and other foods by themselves. and we liked it! now everything has a dip and a topping. guilding the lily!!!
we also used to just drink coffee. now there a plethora of coffee drinks with mix-ins, toppings, and a variety of flavors and they can be cold or hot or blended. it's crazy!!!!
I was never a fan of stacking foods or placing small amounts of food on enormous white plates and decorating it like a Jackson Pollock painting.

I remember when coffee was bad for you.
Then, I remember when coffee was no problem
Then, I remember when coffee was bad again
Then, I remember when coffee is no problem.

I think that ad campaign was around 1983. One of the dumbest ad campaigns ever conceived.

Not food but same as... don't use wooden steak platters.
Aluminum pans lead to Alzheimer's...

Eggs are not good for you...
From the past, there is Jello salads in fake copper molds.

There is a current Millennial/GenZ fad to put Ranch Dressing on virtually everything. I wouldn't mind that one going away.

I was going to mention the Jello salads.

I will always remember the Jello salad we made in home ec. It sounded wonderful when the teacher described it. It was called "under the sea salad". There was some kind of green Jello. There was cottage cheese. There were shredded carrots and a number of other raw veggies. It looked interesting, well, at least it did to 11 year old me. Oh dear, it was horrid. The cottage cheese made it murky and yucked it up. Also, it was too sweet. It was such a disappointment. I'm surprised that I ever ate cottage cheese again.
Oh My! taxy! that Lime Jello and Cottage Cheese was a favourite of mine (and Mother's Bridge Club Tea afternoons).
It's important to use drier Cottage Cheese. Nothing else is really needed. You could put a tiny bit of carrot in and radish slices around the edge if you weren't busy with the cucumber sandwiches and the Alaskan Pie. IMHO the Cottage Cheese did not make it sweeter and even brought it down a notch.
Obviously I did not make it often enough for my kids... they too think it disgusting. LOL
(and I like cheese balls, :cry: )
It’s amazing how much of an impact companies like the makers of Jello, Campbell’s Soup, and others have had on our holiday tables through the years.

A Jello salad with cottage cheese, walnuts and red/cranberry Jello appeared on Thanksgiving right next to the green bean casserole from the folks at Campbell’s, and the candied yams topped with Campfire brand marshmallows.

It’s amazing how much of an impact companies like the makers of Jello, Campbell’s Soup, and others have had on our holiday tables through the years.

A Jello salad with cottage cheese, walnuts and red/cranberry Jello appeared on Thanksgiving right next to the green bean casserole from the folks at Campbell’s, and the candied yams topped with Campfire brand marshmallows.

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You just reminded me of a fad from my childhood... Lipton French Onion Soup dip. Just dump a packet of the Lipton soup powder into a container of sour cream, let it sit in the fridge overnight, and you had tasty, and very popular party dip for potato chips.


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