PBS's Great American Recipes

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Sous Chef
Apr 24, 2022
unincorporated area
Last night PBS debuted it's new show Great American Recipes. It is a replica of Master Chef, complete with one of the same judges and the format. What they didn't borrow from Master Chef, they borrowed from America's Test Kitchen and the British baking show. (They could have used a Paul Hollywood!)

I was really disappointed that there was very little about recipes and techniques and too much about the cooks themselves.

We watched it, probably for the last time.
While I don't watch that type of show, you might want to try again. If last night was the first, they probably used the episode to introduce you to the people that will be competing. At least I guess they compete. The first show could be all background stuff, and the real action starts in upcoming weeks.

Then again, I could be completely off base.
Goddess, I'll take your advice and give the show one more chance. As you said, it was an introduction to the home cooks, and may focus more on food, techniques, and presentation in future.
Jennyema, I cannot stomach Gordon Ramsay (pun intended). He is arrogant, foul-mouthed, and egocentric. You would have made a great contestant, but probably would have smacked Gordon up the side of his head with a frying pan.
Marlin, I think it's more of a case that his TV show persona is rude. When he opened a restaurant in Boston recently, a local TV anchor had a one-on-one interview with him. He was polite and charming and so different. Surprised me, but still didn't make me want to watch his show.
I've watched him in Austrialian, UK and US shows, and he's only rude, loud and crass in the US shows. I won't watch US Masterchef, but I'll watch and enjoy Masterchef from other countries.
Watching other shows, even as far back as his Hotel Hell show, he is actually a pretty nice guy.

Of course, he doesn't suffer fools. If you put yourself out there as a chef, then you had better be one.

To the non chef's and novice cooks, he is abrupt, but also patient.

I like him.

That being said, I don't need the swearing, and I can swear like two sailors on a trip to Vegas.

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