Well, I made it up at the crack of noon...Is it wrong that Im burping bacon ? The Witts have given a fairly accurate portrayel of the days events...Ill add some pics...missed pics of the gumbo (witt got those the other day), the biscuits and the chocolate cake....
The day started with Gumbo and "KFC" style biscuits...nothing like a nice light snack to start a day of grazing. A very active discussion ensued regarding the scovall scale of the dish, but we had to side with Mrs. Witt that it was perfect. The homemade sausage in it was an exceptional treat..
The Italian armadello eggs were the first off the smoker...peppers stuffed with cheese and tomatoes and wrapped with sausage, then rolled in rub
next off was the fatty...Jimmy dean "jellyrolled" with prosciutto and provolone cheese...there were also some cheese crisps made in the oven witch I never tasted but they looked awesome...
At some point or another (and a few beers), Witt talked me into pulling the pit out of the weeds. It hasn't been fired up since New Years due to the arrival of the WSM. It took a few min., but it all came back to me how to use it. After about an hour it was setup and running. We used a mix of maple, oak and pecan wood. From left to right is; shrimp rolled in brown sugar wrapped in bacon, abt's (wrapped in bacon) and corn on the cob (wrapped in bacon)..are we seeing a theme? The corn was awesome. We soaked it in water prior to cooking and wrapping and smoked it for about 2 hours. Ive got to say, Ill, probably never boil corn again. It was so sweet and tender.....
After that phase of our graze was consumed, we wrapped up the day with ribs and chocolate cake (Im not sure in what order)...
And of course there's always room for jello...
There's a case of empty beer bottles on my kitchen floor that was full yesterday this time (you do the math)...believe it or not, there was a ton of food that never got cooked...chicken wings, fried chicken, fried veggies and mozz sticks and fried twinkies...due to the rain, we spent half the day inside and we all chopped, diced, assembled and prepped together...We made a batch of bbq sauce and I think Witt stole the recipe off my fridge and disappeared into the bathroom for a few min with a pad and pen...
So little time..so much food.... :grin: