Photo Resizing

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Senior Cook
Feb 28, 2021
Some tips about software that can resize your photos :D

You can set the frame size on your mobile phone camera itself by going in to the settings

Or you can use FastStone photo resizer which is an open source photo editor totally free and no forced marketing etc. Download from the above site and install on your computer, and you can resize photos easily.

Or you can install Picsart on your smart phone and edit your photos. Remember to switch off data when you start the app in order to avoid clicking on advertisements.

I saw some extra large photos on a few threads which are too large to view, and to load on the page, hence this thread. Just sharing what I know, although I know that many of you are aware of these, and possibly know much better ways. :yum:
The very large photos that cause the page to load slowly are not uploaded to Discuss Cooking. They are links to photos on other sites, like Flickr or other photo storage sites.
The very large photos that cause the page to load slowly are not uploaded to Discuss Cooking. They are links to photos on other sites, like Flickr or other photo storage sites.
Yeah many forums require images hosted externally. I host mine on imgbb or imgur. Still I resize the images. But I understand that if you share an image saved for general purpose, not only for the forums, then you can't resize it :yum:
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