I forgot to answer the question about eating pineapple on ham at Easter. Yes, I have. I do not like it. I have disliked ham with sweet since I was a little kid. We went to Easter supper at the home of some Swedish friends of my parents. There was a beautiful looking ham, not with pineapple, but with a diamond pattern scored onto the surface with cloves (I believe it was cloves) stuck in the corners of the diamonds and it was shiny and I was dying to taste this beautiful ham. Then I tasted it and nearly gagged. I was polite enough to finish it, but refused seconds. It really didn't help that they also served sweet potatoes with marshmallow sauce. I had never had sweet potato before and I really didn't want to taste that again. I think I was about seven years old at the time. I would refuse to eat sweet potatoes with marshamallow sauce to this day and I'm not so pleased to eat them at all, even without a sweet sauce.