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Lol, casey. From everything that I'm reading about poke, and the discussion here, you just might be able to.
We do in Hawaii, but over here on the mainland, well, that may be awhile... and THIS is why I LEARNED how to make my own, as Med did!!!

It has only been a few years since 7-Eleven learned how to make decent coffee. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for good poke. :LOL:

You can find Poke at several Costco locations here on the Mainland now, as well as in Hawaii. But I still like Foodland for my Poke when we go back home. We were last on Oahu in May 2015 and we had some sort of Poke EVERYDAY!! YUM! At the time, the fish were not plentiful, so the price sky rocketed from $6-8/lb to $17+/lb

Hawaii 088.JPG
can you see the price?

Hawaii 089.JPG
Smoked Tako or Octopus, really tasty

ruger mrkt.jpg
Opihi was $60, very hard to come by and when you do find them, WOW!
Hawaii May 2012 067.jpg
Hawaii May 2012 074.jpg
Yum, the perfect bite, Opihi and Poi!
DH and I shared this minuscule serving of Opihi and savored each bite.
It's good I read this thread in case I ever run across it in a restaurant or deli. I didn't know poke referred to a fish/seafood dish. I have a friend that loves poke, but it is a green she picks and prepares. https://foragerchef.com/pokeweed/
Poisonous raw but prepared properly delicious and healthy.
I don't like sushi, but I actually like poke.

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