Pork hocks?

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Assistant Cook
Oct 31, 2010
I live up in Sudbury On. Canada with my husband
What ever happened to pork haukes or pigs feet. My mom cooked them
different ways and they were so good. Loved the taste of the meat.
what there is on one. I still see them in the grocerie store but sure would like to here if someone would have some way of cooking them.Like I
mean what to cook with them.
What ever happened to pork haukes or pigs feet. My mom cooked them
different ways and they were so good. Loved the taste of the meat.
what there is on one. I still see them in the grocerie store but sure would like to here if someone would have some way of cooking them.Like I
mean what to cook with them.

If you can get smoked pork hocks, put them in with your split peas to make split pea soup...or any bean soup.
Pigs trotters are alive and well over here, I use them to make jelly stock for my Pork pies.
Smoked hocks are standard in our grocery stores here in MO, but I don't see the actual feet very often. (Which is ok by me.)

I use the hocks in my green beans or dried beans.
They are just great with any dried bean cooked up in the slow cooker/dutch oven. Near the end of cooking time, remove the hock and pick off the meat. Put the meat back in with the beans. So tasty. I like onion, garlic, carrot, bell pepper, oregano, bay leaf, lots of black pepper while the beans and hock cook. Great northerns and navy beans seem to be mostly traditional, but any bean really works. Don't add salt til after the beans are tender if using the slow cooker.
We have a Menonite store (Sauders Store)near us and they always have the fresh pork hocks and oh my goodness what a difference. I don't buy the smoked ones anymore, I got spoiled with these. The meat on them is a meal intself and the flavor. oh goodness
I just did 2 of them with cabbage, lil potatoes onions carrots last week yum yum
try to find fresh if you can to give them a try.
Nothing wrong with the smoked ones - I used them for years
You might check with a butcher in your area and could order some
Pigs trotters are alive and well over here, I use them to make jelly stock for my Pork pies.

Oink oink! Same over in Brighton, near where I live. :LOL:

Trotters most butchers supply. Ask them to cut them in half. Then pop them in the pot, great for adding wonderful flavour to soups and stews. or, grilled and eaten just as they are, all crackly and caramalized. Delicious. And way cheap.

Smoked hocks are still cheap. Make a broth of them adding a bay leaf or two and an onion studded with a couple of cloves. Towards the end, add some fresh chpped sage or thyme, even dried is excellent. Add a can of mushy peas and there you will have one of the greatest cheapie and nourishing soups around: pea and ham soup.
i always buy two, put em in beans. then i pick off meat , as suggested and put back in pot. i am a southern girl , still, at heart. oh! must have corn bread.

I usually have to buy more than two, I snack while I pick.:pig:
I mentioned before, I was raised in a little house attached to a Mom and Pop country grocery store. My Daddy had a big jar of pickled pig feet sitting on top of the meat case...they were soooooo delicious. I havn't thought of them in years. I wish I could find some fresh hocks around here. I use smoked hocks often.
By the way, I just love the term "trotters"......
Oh, yeah, cook them with shank meat for a long time. Add lots of garlick, some salt and pepper. Chop all the meat into small, bite size chunks put into a semy deep dish, add stock, leave in the fridge overnight, serve as a side for mash potato, with some hot mustard or horseredish. Yum.
There are two ways I'm particularly fond of: schweinshaxe and crispy pata. The first is a German recipe. You could find it online, but it's basically cooked like a roast. The second is a Filipino recipe. It calls for soaking the hock in a 7-UP based marinade, making cuts down to the bone about every inch, and then deep-frying it.
My mother used to cook pig's feet in a pressure cooker. They were mighty good with just salt and pepper. Hmmmm....I might have to get on down to the store and get me a mess of 'em. 'Course, Mrs hoot ain't fond of the smell.....
beanz-&-greens! (or greens themselves, w/ the ham- i sear, then crockpot, & 4 extras, i cook them in a skillet) btw, ignore pic 1, lol! (that wouldn't erase 4 me)
here's a pic of my extras that i cook in a skillet~


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