Pork Shanks with Bourbon Sauce

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Senior Cook
Jun 8, 2004
North Carolina
One of the new items on our Festival menu this season are pork shanks with bourbon sauce. We have had a great response from our patrons. They melt in your mouth.mmmmm
me dearest lady commissary queen,

wouldst thou be so kindest as to enlighten us with your knowledge of such a delectable cuisine?

(ya gotta speak like that to ren-fest folks) :)
Ther are so many resources at our fingertips. Most food distributors employ wonderful chefs. When I get a menu block, i call them and ask what's new that would fit our special menu. This item I saw at a food show and the chef recommended the Bourbon sauce. The shank comes in different sizes, bone in. It makes a great presentation standing up with the sauce drizzled over.
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