Pumpkin/Winter Squash Challenge - 2016

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No pumpkin so far but it has been a dry year this year and Swedes are not that into pumpkins so I might not find them.
Also I do have a problem, pumpkin is pumpa in Swedish and some of what you call pumpkin we call squash and what you call squash some are called pumpa here.
Thanks for opening up the challenge. I'm in. I grew bush butternut squashes this year; got 13 fruits:wacko:

After all, it generally is a type of butternut squash that lurks inside those cans of "pumpkin".

No, that's a rumor.

WHAT'S TRUE:*As much of 90 percent of pumpkin sold in the U.S. (and 85 percent worldwide) is a proprietary cultivar known as a Dickinson pumpkin, which are less photogenic than the type of pumpkins commonly used for display purposes.

WHAT'S FALSE:*The majority of canned pumpkin is not a blend of butternut and winter squashes.

Well, according to what I have rad so far, Libby's is the biggest seller of canned pumpkin in the US. And they developed and grow their own pumpkins. So for me, other than roasting my own, I will take Libby's word and continue to only use their brand.

I use to make my own. A lot of work. I always had more than needed for a pie, so there were several containers that went into the freezer. The containers held just enough for one recipe. Pumpkin cookies were always a surprise in the middle of June.

Pirate picked up two cans of Libby's today. I may use them for the cheesecake and pie for my SIL, or I just may pick up a couple of sugar pumpkins when I go shopping. Unfortunately, they are a bit on the pricey side right now. Maybe the price will go down a bit by then. :angel:
Well, I made pumpkin sformato and Craig made the fonduta to go with. Due to the impending weather event and being tired, didn't make the salad part or take a pic. Pumpkin Sformato with Fonduta and Frisee Recipe : Mario Batali : Food Network . It was kind of a cross between a souffle and a quiche. There weren't no cubing of the pumpkin though. It was baked to a pulp, just fell out of the pumpkin skin/shell. And all I can say is Batali must really like his salt because both of us thought it was too salty. I'd make it again, just use butternut squash instead and definitely cut way down on the salt.
Okay, I'll throw my hat into the ring...
Our "upstairs" neighbor bought a "squash" at the farmer's market (she had no idea what it was, but "it looked cool") this past Saturday, brought it home, gave it to me saying, "I think that you could make something much tastier than I could".


Butternut Pasta Bake

I kinda, sorta, used this recipe:
Baked Pasta with Butternut Squash
My twist:
I baked a whole Butternut Squash the day prior, cooled it, peeled it, diced it
(therefore omitting the Chicken Broth);
leftout the Brussel Sprouts, also I only used half a pound (it calls for "a package") of Pasta and I may have used more than 4 ounces of Pancetta :yum:
I didn't taste this dish, because it went upstairs to Mrs&Mrs Landlord, DH does not care for Squash
I am not a pumpkin fan. However, Dad invited neighbours over for pie and ice cream tomorrow. One of our caregivers brought over 2 little sugar pumpkins. What the heck, I should be able to make a pie??? I am not a pumpkin fan,,,however, I pricked the pumpkin with a fork and popped it in the oven at 400 in a pie tin. Let it cook for about 2-3 hours (I really didn't time it, just kept pricking it with a fork). When it was done, I scooped out the filling (dry roasted the seeds to eat later) and threw the pumpkin pulp in the FP. Then I added a bit of cream, an egg, some spices, etc. I made a crust and blind baked it for 9 minutes, put the filling in. Baked that until a knife came out clean. I have never made a pumpkin pie before using real pumpkin--always have used the canned stuff. It was amazing. We still have 3/4 of the pie left to serve to guests. Was it wrong of me to sample it tonight?
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Wondering if I can use the left over meat (raw) from the Swedish meatballs, the egg noodles and gravy and layer that as a meatloaf with the noodles on the bottom...thinking of doing that in a muffin tin....
I am not a pumpkin fan. However, Dad invited neighbours over for pie and ice cream tomorrow. One of our caregivers brought over 2 little sugar pumpkins. What the heck, I should be able to make a pie??? I am not a pumpkin fan,,,however, I pricked the pumpkin with a fork and popped it in the oven at 400 in a pie tin. Let it cook for about 2-3 hours (I really didn't time it, just kept pricking it with a fork). When it was done, I scooped out the filling (dry roasted the seeds to eat later) and threw the pumpkin pulp in the FP. Then I added a bit of cream, an egg, some spices, etc. I made a crust and blind baked it for 9 minutes, put the filling in. Baked that until a knife came out clean. I have never made a pumpkin pie before using real pumpkin--always have used the canned stuff. It was amazing. We still have 3/4 of the pie left to serve to guests. Was it wrong of me to sample it tonight?

Of course not. A good chef always samples the food before serving it.
I have given up on finding pumpkins, too expensive and the half I got was so woody it wasnt edible.
I have given up on finding pumpkins, too expensive and the half I got was so woody it wasnt edible.

There is a big difference between pumpkins for carving and those for eating. The little ones are the ones for eating. They are much sweeter, have more natural sugars and the taste and feel in the mouth is so much nicer.
I am not a pumpkin fan. However, Dad invited neighbours over for pie and ice cream tomorrow. One of our caregivers brought over 2 little sugar pumpkins. What the heck, I should be able to make a pie??? I am not a pumpkin fan,,,however, I pricked the pumpkin with a fork and popped it in the oven at 400 in a pie tin. Let it cook for about 2-3 hours (I really didn't time it, just kept pricking it with a fork). When it was done, I scooped out the filling (dry roasted the seeds to eat later) and threw the pumpkin pulp in the FP. Then I added a bit of cream, an egg, some spices, etc. I made a crust and blind baked it for 9 minutes, put the filling in. Baked that until a knife came out clean. I have never made a pumpkin pie before using real pumpkin--always have used the canned stuff. It was amazing. We still have 3/4 of the pie left to serve to guests. Was it wrong of me to sample it tonight?

Heck no. That's the only kind of pumpkin pie I'll eat and I agree it's amazing. I always absolutely hated pumpkin pie until 1 year when I promised to make 1 for somebody that had done a big favor for me. Well, I figured he deserved a totally from scratch pie so I found a sugar pumpkin and got busy. He insisted I have some with him so I sucked it up and had some. Wow, what a difference from the canned stuff, totally changed the way I saw pumpkin pie. Him too, he'd never had 1 made with anything but the canned stuff. I ruined him for canned pumpkin pie.
Okay, just saw this thread and haven't had a chance to catch up on the 34 or so posts, but anyone who knows me knows I am always up for a challenge. I have some ideas running around in my brain already (and it is 3 am and I am pumped full of decongestants and cough medicine).

So put me on the list (if there is one)! I only have a week but I'll see what I can come up with!
We have a water shortage in the area, has been so all summer, I guess that has done something to the pumpkin. I got a small half one but just seeds , very little flesh . I used to get really lovely fairy tale pumpkin / Musquee de Provence but well that was years ago and they where imported from Syria.
Dang it!
I had some leftover roasted Butternut Squash in the freezer that Mrs. Landlord gave me, that I made that Pasta Bake with, so I made some soup with it... Missus said that she was feeling crummy today...
but dang it, I forgot to take a photo ...
so alls I have is a file photo from a previous Butternut Squash soup that I made ...
squash soup.jpeg
[file photo]
I made a Butternut and Sage Squash soup (non-dairy) which I thought was delicious!
I also sent to up the dumb waiter, a chopped salad for two with a raspberry vinaigrette, I just wish I had the time to make some fresh bread as well...
Heck no. That's the only kind of pumpkin pie I'll eat and I agree it's amazing. I always absolutely hated pumpkin pie until 1 year when I promised to make 1 for somebody that had done a big favor for me. Well, I figured he deserved a totally from scratch pie so I found a sugar pumpkin and got busy. He insisted I have some with him so I sucked it up and had some. Wow, what a difference from the canned stuff, totally changed the way I saw pumpkin pie. Him too, he'd never had 1 made with anything but the canned stuff. I ruined him for canned pumpkin pie.
The pie was wolfed down on Sunday. Got the other pumpkin to turn into something. I made an apple pie on Wednesday. I am not a sweets person, but figured I had a bunch of apples, so made a pie--my folks like pie so...why not. My Dad can't get his head around it that I don't pull out a recipe for crust or for filling when I make pies. He forgets I worked in commercial kitchens and developed recipes before coming to MN to do elder care.

I am very proud of my crusts...they are always flaky and tender. Been making pie crusts for almost 50 years. My Grandma taught me how. She taught me how the dough is supposed to feel...Besides adding that bit of vodka, I always make sure to brush off any extra flour. Don't know why, but that's what Grandma taught me (brushing off the flour, ATK taught me about the bit of vodka).
I likely will not be able to participate in my own challenge. Really did not plan on being an almost cripple for the month of October. And I work all weekend...I may miss my own dead-line.

Thanks all for participating and all your dishes sound wonderful.

I am pondering a pumpkin-apple pie with golden raisins. The pumpkin in chunks, instead of puree. I have a couple of frozen pre-made pie crusts.
Well, you could always extend the date, since it is your challenge. Craig's got an idea of something he wants to do, just not sure when he was planning on doing it. Partly his own idea, partly a riff off of something a local pie business makes.
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