Random wishes....

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Master Chef
Aug 20, 2021
Somewhere in the PNW
I wish that "Petty Vents II" was a sticky here...and I wish that there was another sticky for something like "Brags" or "A Great Thing Happened..." today or on the way to tomorrow...or something cute-ish? XXOO...
I started duolingo almost a year ago to attempt learning Spanish. I cannot say that I am learning quickly, but I have kept my learning streak going since I started. Plus, I can be pleasant to Spanish speakers now and even understand a bit when it is spoken around me.
Was making a Christmas Stocking for a bag of wine. Accidently made it too small and will have to drink a couple of glasses to get the bag in.
Oh woe is me...
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