Raw milk is in the news...

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Master Chef
Jan 19, 2017
Frisco, Texas
RFK Jr. has been nominated for secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and will probably be approved. He wants to de-regulate raw milk sales, so it can be bought in any store that sells food.

I know there are foodies who love raw milk. I'm a bit nervous about the decision. Needless to say, raw milk is controversial.

Being a food forum, I am curious to hear what other members think. There is no "right" or "wrong" opinion in this thread. If you have an opinion, let us know what it is, and why you hold that opinion.

BTW, you can already buy raw milk in some parts of the US, but not everywhere, and it is pretty highly regulated. I would imagine it is pretty expensive at retail where it is available. Not sure, because it is not available in stores where I live.

I used to raise dairy goats and had raw milk at my disposal for decades. I loved it. I also have a background in food safety and sanitation and understand how hard it is to produce clean raw milk; from the milking equipment to the health of the animals. I don't trust anyone else to produce high quality raw milk; so many things can go wrong.
And what a difference pasteurization made! In 1891, one in every four infants in New York City died, many from drinking tainted milk.
I too would have to trust the dairy farmer since I cannot even get chickens past my HOA. But I miss the outstanding cheeses that our family made with raw milk. Pasteurized is not the same. Around here, we can only buy raw milk for "animal consumption."
I once took a basic home cheese making class. He had his own cows and although he said it is very possible to make cheese from pasteurized milk you get far better results from 'raw'.
The only cheese I would have made with raw cheese would have been a longer aged cheese. I don't remember if it was 3 months or 6 months, but there was a minimum amount of aging time that was listed as "safe", if using raw milk. I considered getting a small refrigerator, that I could set at a higher temp than normal, to age some cheese, but never did get into that, and I've only made fresh cheeses, with pasteurized milk.

If anyone else wants to buy raw milk, I don't care if it made easier for them. As long as it isn't forced on me! It is available around here, mainly in health food stores, but I never looked at it, to see if there were disclaimers on them.
Yeah raw milk is a no go in Ontario. I don't actually drink milk except in my cappuccino's or reg coffee and in some desserts. But almost all the cheese we consume is from raw from Quebec, the next province over and from Europe. Not sure if people knew this but parmigiana Reggiano is made from raw cows milk as an example.

If raw milk can be produced to meet any regulations then it should be up to people weather they want to consume it or not, at least that's the way I look at it.
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I doubt he"ll be approved after what happened today ....but I would never drink raw milk. But I eat raw milk cheese when i can find it.

Im also fully vaccinated.
If anyone else wants to buy raw milk, I don't care if it made easier for them. As long as it isn't forced on me! It is available around here, mainly in health food stores, but I never looked at it, to see if there were disclaimers on them.

The controversy mentioned by jennyema is that raw milk can carry viruses, like the H1N1 virus, AKA Bird Flu. That's why it is all over the news. It was found in a major producer farm for raw milk.

Scientists have warned that it would take very little mutation for H1N1 to be transmissible from animals to humans, and even human to human. Then it becomes a public health issue, not a personal choice issue.

I have no interest in consuming raw milk, but after the nightmare of Covid, I'd like to hear more from the scientific community about the safety of raw milk.

From my foodie friends who do consume raw milk, is it really that much better? Is it worth the risks? I've never tried it, because quite frankly, I'm afraid to try it.

Technically, using proper sous vide cooking methods, you can eat medium rare chicken. I'm not going to try it.

No interest in raw milk. I grew up on and still use pasteurized and homogenized whole milk. Ice cold with cookies is the best way to consume this beverage.

Sadly, I think RFKJR will be approved because of the make-ups of the two houses of congress.
No interest in raw milk. I grew up on and still use pasteurized and homogenized whole milk. Ice cold with cookies is the best way to consume this beverage.

Sadly, I think RFKJR will be approved because of the make-ups of the two houses of congress.

I buy Kroger's store brand of organic milk. It is ultra-pasteurized, and IMHO, and it tastes great. And yes, some fresh baked cookies make it way better. :ROFLMAO:

It also lasts a month in the fridge. Which brings up another question. What kind of shelf life does raw milk have?

I can and occasionally do get raw milk. I use it to make yoghurt.

I don't like the taste of it. My dad liked it.
I like pasteurised milk. Can't stand long life milk.
I'm not buying though as a lot of milk went off very quickly recently (with my part of the cool chain being OK)
I grew up with 2 kids who had polio. Practically unheard of today in North America. And I bet quite a few of you have not.
I grew up with 2 kids who had polio. Practically unheard of today in North America. And I bet quite a few of you have not.

I had measles before I was old enough for the vaccine. Almost died. My parents were NOT anti-vaxxers, and neither am I.

I wonder how much of a difference fine filtering raw milk would make. Her we can get milk that is fine filtered. I'm pretty sure it is also pasteurized, but it has a longer fridge life that plain pasteurized milk.
The controversy mentioned by jennyema is that raw milk can carry viruses, like the H1N1 virus, AKA Bird Flu. That's why it is all over the news. It was found in a major producer farm for raw milk.

Scientists have warned that it would take very little mutation for H1N1 to be transmissible from animals to humans, and even human to human. Then it becomes a public health issue, not a personal choice issue.

I have no interest in consuming raw milk, but after the nightmare of Covid, I'd like to hear more from the scientific community about the safety of raw milk.

From my foodie friends who do consume raw milk, is it really that much better? Is it worth the risks? I've never tried it, because quite frankly, I'm afraid to try it.

Technically, using proper sous vide cooking methods, you can eat medium rare chicken. I'm not going to try it.

Pasteurization kills bacteria. I don't know how well it does with viruses.
I remember reading that cheese makers prefer raw milk because the heat of pasteurization alters the structure of the proteins.

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