Recipe saving apps. Which do you use and why.

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Can I ask:
For me, when I see a dish that I am interested to try, I normally just keep the page open while I make it, and if I am reasonably satisfied with it, I will then save it to my Recipe Keeper app.
My question is - if you make a dish from your recipe app and then come up with something that betters that same dish, do you edit the original recipe as you have saved?
I also keep the original, but put my remarks on top or inside the text.
Say, a recipe asks for butter milk, but I use milk, I will put that at ingredients level.
And a remark in "notes" as to preference or reason why.
I often have to substitute ingredients due to availability
Oh, that’s making sense. I normally edit the recipe because I just know it’s wrong.
3 cups of fish sauce, umm, no
I have to have it written or printed out if it's from/on my computer. If printed, I put it in a clear plastic 3 ring binder sheet. If not I probably would never be able to read it thru the butter I drop on it. Pencil scribble on an envelope, if successful then I put it on the computer with my notes. If printed I add the word Printed on the computer at the top so I don't accidently print it again.
Notes are added at the bottom and with an asterisk beside the ingredient, if the change is there - of course if there is room I add it beside the ingredient. ex. no salt! or subbed sour cream.
If it's good - I write at the top YUM! - DELISH - 5 Star! or something like that.
I also add the date at the bottom/on the back. If I had it or made it with someone. Plus I add subsequent dates if/when I make it again, especially if I make a booboo or change something, like putting it in the oven and then seeing the garlic had been pushed under the foil or looking at the recipe and realizing I never did go get the celery from the other fridge for the mise en place. Or even "OOPS - Don't do that again!"
I know it's more work, but I try to make sure the notes are written on the paper and is transcribed onto the 'puter one as well. 🤷
If I saved the recipe on the 'puter from the net and printed it out from there, if it's good, I transcribe it into a Word doc. All that just so I can access it without the internet.
I generally have the website if I have copied a recipe, but I edit my own changes and make a note. In a cookbook, I scribble all over where I make changes that I wish to keep. The changes are for me. I see no reason to keep the original.
based on my decade+ non-usage observations of "recipe saving software(s)" - free or not free, they eventually all go broke and users lose "every thing."

capture a recipe, put the file on your hard drive, back-up all of it.

there's a reason it's named a "cloud" - clouds disperse / evaporate / go away within a few seconds of "real" time.
Well a cloud account can disperse in seconds but for the real cloud it would be one heck of a fire in that warehouse filled with banks of computers! LOL.
I have lost recipes several times in the past because the site disappeared or the recipe was taken down. That’s when I decided to take responsibility for my recipes.

Thus I use MS WORD on my laptop and copy it to the cloud. I also backup my hard drive weekly to an external drive.
I am happy with Copy Me That and the way it grabs the recipes from websites. Sure, I have some concern about the app going away. That's one of the reasons that I got the premium membership. If no one is paying for it, it probably won't last. And besides, the lifetime membership at CMT is a real bargain. I have also gifted a lifetime membership to a friend who really likes CMT, but doesn't really have any pennies to spare for the membership. She was considering it though, so I am especially glad I got it for her.

I also backup my recipes on CMT by downloading them. So, I would be sad to see CMT stop existing, but I would still have most of the recipes I store there.
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