Executive Chef
I serched high and low for wdj's recommendation of Red Diamond Merlot but couldn't find it. I believe it's a Washington vintner and like wdj said, it's relatively new to retail and might not have made it east of the Mississippi yet. So, I stuck with the Merlot idea and bought a 750ml bottle of Redwood Creek Merlot vintage 2003 this morning for $7.99. Holy $#*%! The first sip was like a backhand across the face. The initial flavor is very powerful but subsides quickly and tastes pretty good. Then I decided to do some research. It appears that many Northern California reds from the 2003 year are on a "hold" status, although I couldn't find anything specific to Merlot. Too late for this bottle, tho. It's a bit strong for my tastes but I'll finish off the bottle anyway!
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