If you have an Asian community where you live - find the Asian market/store where they shop. You'll find the best price and what they use ... and they know rice cookers. Of course, I assume you're looking for an electric rice cooker.
If you're looking for a "manual" cook it on the stovetop thing ... just about any aluminum pot with a tight fitting lid.
I got mine at Kmart. It was a middle-of-the-line product. I didn't want cheap where it would work for a year and die and I didn't want to spend big bucks because we don't use it all the time. It also has a steamer rack for steaming veggies. You can get them in a range of capacity. I got a pretty large one because when I do make rice I like to eat a lot!
Aroma is an excellent brand, American made, and they are endorsed by Martin Yan, who's picture will be on the box. If you can afford it, go for the upscale version with the teflon coated insert.