Ring the dinner bell 9/22/10

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Whats for dinner?

Good afternoon everyone!!

MAN I just made a 4 cup pot of my new blend. Whole beans (I got them from Farm Market and just added the beans to the paper bag so I have no idea the weight): 1/2 bag Vermont Maple Beans, Chocolate, Coconut Kiss Beans & a 1/2 handful of Graham Cracker Beans. I have a Cuisinart Grind & Brew Coffee maker (which I love!!), so I get fresh grind with every pot. WOW!! This is a great cup of coffee even with Ideal sweetner and 2 % milk!!

I am contemplating dinner: B/S chicken breasts. Ok I have decided it will be McCormick Recipe Inspirations Spanish Chicken Skillet, mushroom & onion jamine rice and salad. That is as long as none of the other poops in my house complain!! LOL Gone are the days of my childhood where MOM was the Queen of the KITCHEN!! She reined supreme!! You never questioned what was for dinner, you waited to see what was placed before you at her table. You never complained (for fear she would then make it more often so you would learn to love it!!), YOU finished what was on your plate BECAUSE CHILDREN WERE STARVING IN CHINA!! (not to mention if you didn't finish what was on your plate to her satisfaction it would be your breakfast, lunch and snacks till you did eat it!!)

I miss those days!! And probably all the family pets under the table do also!! LOL

OK RANT OVER .............. for now.
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Good afternoon everyone,

msmofet - nothing like a great cup of coffee . . . enjoy.

My son has a cross country meet out east today, so dinner will be a little later than usual. I hate that it's getting darker earlier.

Dinner tonight will be Taste of Home's baked lemon chicken served over couscous and roaster cauliflower.

Enjoy the day!
Mustgos tonight. Breaded Veal Cutlets I bought on a whim a couple of months ago, topped with the leftover Marinara Sauce I thawed out the other night. Leftover Jasmine Rice and Steamed Broccoli. And the last piece of Apple Oat Crumb Pie with Caramel.
McCormick Recipe Inspirations Spanish Chicken Skillet, jasmine rice pilaf (mushroom, onion & jasmine rice sautéed in grapeseed oil till veggies were tender then chicken stock, salt & ground pepper added) and baby spinach & iceberg lettuce salad topped with tomato, sliced mushrooms, black olives & salad accents (smoky bacon, croutons, dried red & green bell peppers & slivered almonds) dressed with Italian Good Seasons dressing (made with apple cider vinegar).

I'm going to have frozen beer battered fish fillets, sweet potatoes, garlic and mushroom peas, and for dessert homemade cheesecake.

Who in her right mind makes cheesecake at midnight? No one! I was in desperate need of cheesecake last night, so that is when I made it!

Don't worry, Dave, I was planning to leave you the cake I was supposed to drop off Frank Z's!

Oh don't give me Frank's cake...he has those big knives in his avatar... :ohmy: that might not be wise.

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