Samsung disappointment

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In our last house, which was built in 1960, I had to replace about a 1/3 of the outlets because they wouldn't hold a plug properly, not exposing the prongs. We moved in there in '96.
Hope that builder went out of business! That's really weird.

Only time I've had an outlet that couldn't hold a plug, just forcing the prongs apart slightly did the trick. Usually also found it was more the fault of the plug rather than the outlet.

But who knows! There are always the exceptions!
i certainly have worn out outlets and caused electrical fires but plugging in and unplugging
Ahhh, yes, I stand corrected, that is true. You can definitely cause fires with loose wiring and also snapping plugs in and out in a rapid motion. Arcing can happen doing this. Prongs that are loose and jiggle are one of the things.

But one has to use common sense. These are not toys and should not be jerked about. Grasped firmly inserting plugs, not jamming them in. Grasping plugs firmly to remove, not jerking them out by the wire. I've scolded myself a few times - especially when unplugging the vacuum. I'm tired from the job, my back hurts and yeah sometimes bending over to unplug... well, I'm guilty. :(
Plugs and outlets can and are misused - I've come across loose things that are/were difficult - my 200 year old farm house had a few! LOL.
Once a long time ago (60 yrs? yup, in the 60's) I was at a friends house in their room, we left, the wall switch (to a dresser lamp) was snapped off and the door shut. I said "Wait! I heard a pop" "Nah, nah come on, it was nothing, We're going to be late!"
I insisted, we opened the door and looked under the dresser. Fire was creeping across on top of the carpet!
Have no idea if they were the original owners of the house, probably not. The plug had to have been rather loose to arc like that.
Ended well, just the top of the carpet was singed. But had we left, no one was at home - they probably would have lost their house.
And don't forget infrared satellites spying on you from space and Government drones that can peek in your windows.

Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep... ~ For What It's Worth by Stephen Stills
35 years ago, when my best friend and I were either smoking pot, or trying to find some to buy, he stated “Paranoia… it’s what keeps us safe.” 🤪
It starts when you're always afraid. Step out of line, the man comes and takes you away ~ For What It's Worth by Stephen Stills

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