September 24, 2024, Tuesday, whatcha eatin?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Tovala meals of pasta and broccoli Alfredo with homemade mini garlic loaves.
I'm going to have leftovers from yesterday's tray bake.

And, I just noticed what time it is - 21:15 EDT. I will go have that supper right now.
I leftovers from yesterday's tray bake. About half of the veg, the half a sausage, and about half of the chicken thigh. I also finished off the rice pilaf that was leftover from the Greek resto delivery. Truly excellent chocolate ice cream for dessert. And now I am off to start a supper thread for yesterday.
I made a longtime favorite of mine - something made with Swiss chard, which I harvested about 15 large leaves from yesterday. It's a recipe from Rick Bayless's Mexican Kitchen - Veracruz-Style Greens And Beans, with Red Chile and Dumplings. It's made by simply cooking a lb of black beans, cooked in salted water until almost totally done, and preparing the rest, while doing this. This was a seasoning paste, using toasted chiles, blended with garlic and onion, cooked down, and added to cook 30 more minutes with the beans. The dumplings are made with some masa harina, cilantro, oil, crumbled queso fresco, and a little water - I made a note next to recipe that dumplings were a little soft, so I've always used a little less water. I've also used different greens - kohlrabi greens, cauliflower greens, senposai, and others, besides chard. The dumplings are cooked several minutes, the chard is stirred in and cooked about 5 more minutes, another half cup of cilantro is stirred in, and it's finished. Served with some toasted corn tortillas; good, but not necessary, with the dumplings.
Chiles toasted for the Veracruz beans - 5 moritas, and the bottom of the ancho jar. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Sauce from the moritas, anchos, garlic, and onion, ground up with a little water, ready to cook down. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Chile paste, cooked down about 7 minutes, in just a little oil, then added to the cooked black beans, to cook about 30 minutes, while getting the rest ready. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

One of the many Swiss Chard leaves, to be cut up, for the Veracruz black beans. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Dumplings made of masa, cilantro, and queso fresco, with a little salt and oil. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The Chard, ready to stir into the Veracruz black beans, after simmering the dumplings briefly. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished Veracruz black beans, with greens and dumplings. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Veracruz black beans, served with two toasted corn tortillas. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
That's my favorite combo! Pasta, cheese, and broccoli!!
It also happens to be one of my favorites which I learned way back from an Italian chef from Sicily where it originated apparently. I changed it up over the years but here's my loosely compiled recipe if your interested.

9-10 oz spaghetti
1/2 head of broccoli, no stems
2 garlic cloves, sliced, or more
1/4 cup grated Parmigiana Reggiano, or more
1/2 cup of broccoli water, or more
2-3 tbsp butter or evoo
sea salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste

cook the broccoli in enough water to cover and cook until very soft, basically falling apart. Just before adding to the fry pan mush the broccoli flowerets into small pieces, a mash basically.

Cook the pasta until about 2 minutes before your preference of doneness. In a 12" pan over med-high heat add 1 tbsp of butter then add the garlic and cook for about 1 minute add the pasta and the 1/2 cup of broccoli water and continue to cook, about 1 minute later add the broccoli flowerets and combine well and continue to cook until some evaporation occurs and the pasta cooks to your liking. Turn off the heat and add the parm and butter and combine until a thick sauce is achieved, adding more water or more parm. Season with s&p and I like a lot of pepper.

Note: Originally the broccoli was bigger and added to the cooked pasta with parm and EVOO, which I did continue to do that way for many years, then I changed to this method. I like what the broccoli water does for the dish and the butter was to help emulsify the finished sauce. Also, originally I used a short pasta normally an orecchiette which worked well but I find the spaghetti and the broccoli mash clings better in the sauce from the broccoli water to the long pasta and is just better suited to my arrangement of the recipe. Of course any time we can add some chili peppers or pepperoncini is a bonus. ;)
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