Sharing my favorite recipe I've ever made

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Assistant Cook
Dec 1, 2024
United States
The sauce is similar to the pork n beans recipe I posted about but this is the recipe it originally came from. I've posted about this before on reddit but got no replies and honestly I like this place a whole lot more and wanted to share this with you all because of how much I like it. I also love it when people try things I've made so if you ever make it lmk.

Beef Pepper Stew with Honey Bread (*****)


- 2 35oz cans of Italian style plum tomatoes [UPC]7079640006

- 8oz sun dried tomatoes

- 4 vidalia onions (caramelized with merlot and butter added at the end)

- 1 to 1.5 Red La Rouge Pepper [4088] (Depending on Size)

- 6 Beef Bouillon Cubes or 2 spoonfuls of Beef Bouillon Powder/Paste

- Beef bone broth (Cows Feet and Marrow Bones)

- Heavy Cream

- Garlic(to your liking) roasted in Beef Tallow

- Fresh Herbs (thyme, rosemary, oregano, sage) or 2 to 3 capfuls of Italian seasoning

- Parmesan Rind (Optional)

Stew contents

- Diced La Rouge Peppers

- Chunks of Beef

Honey Bread

- Bread Flour

- Water

- Baking Powder(optional)

- Honey

- Salt

(Stew Instructions)

Start by caramelizing the onions in a pot adding water occasionally to prevent sticking and burning, after the onions are caramelized add Merlot and butter to your liking. Freeze until ready to use.

Take 1 or multiple beef bones and roast in an oven for a bit then add into a pot of water then wash off the cows feet and add in as well to simmer until all the flavor and collagen is extracted which will most likely take hours.

Roast the garlic in an oven safe dish with beef tallow until brown and tender. Wrap the peppers in foil and throw in as well until roasted.

Once all are done put in fridge or freezer for when your ready to make the stew.

In a pot add the Bone broth, caramelized onions, roasted garlic and beef fat its in, the roasted red peppers, sun dried tomatoes, the optional cheese rind, the herbs, beef bouillon, and canned tomatoes. Let it all cook for a while until soft then use an immersion blender until everything is smooth. Then add the chunks of beef and diced red la rouge peppers. Let them cook until tender and allow the stew to reduce and keep stirring to prevent burning for a couple hours until the sauce is reduced and the beef is tender. Then kill the heat and add the heavy cream to your liking.

(Bread Instructions)

Combine bread flour, water, baking powder(optional), honey, and salt and mix and need until good or let a stand mixer do it for you. Then roll out flat and cut into pieces and cook in pan with fat or bake in oven until done. Additionally serve with some garlic that was roasted in butter mixed in with freshly grated parmesan to spread on top the bread.

Serve together and enjoy.
@AnonCooks may I please make a suggestion? next time you make this recipe, please take notes and include times, temperature and quantities. I've been cooking a long time but I would hesitate to try and follow as there are just too many unknowns.
I am not a "by the seat of my pants" type of cook. I need a recipe I can visualize and plan with.
To be honest your bread recipe is not a recipe at all. We all know that there is flour and water in bread. With no yeast those are biscuits. The Baking Powder is not optional. If you were to mix water, flour, honey, salt and nothing else you would get hard solid lumps of ???

Please do not be offended. Take these suggestions in the supportive way they are meant to be. We are all here to try to help each other.
@AnonCooks may I please make a suggestion? next time you make this recipe, please take notes and include times, temperature and quantities. I've been cooking a long time but I would hesitate to try and follow as there are just too many unknowns.
I am not a "by the seat of my pants" type of cook. I need a recipe I can visualize and plan with.
To be honest your bread recipe is not a recipe at all. We all know that there is flour and water in bread. With no yeast those are biscuits. The Baking Powder is not optional. If you were to mix water, flour, honey, salt and nothing else you would get hard solid lumps of ???

Please do not be offended. Take these suggestions in the supportive way they are meant to be. We are all here to try to help each other.
what parts are you referring to? The stew contents part? I guess i just never bothered adding it but it would basically be 2 of those beef round roast either top or bottom that you would buy at a supermarket. Thats usually what I use. Then the peppers it varies on the size but I would probably say like 3 or 4 of them diced up.

Was there something else I should have been specific on? If it would be the bread dough I just kinda eyeball it until it looks right thats why i guess im not specific on it.
2 35oz cans of Italian style plum tomatoes
This is about 9 cups of tomatoes
Beef bone broth
how much broth? 1 cup 2 cups????

This is obviously making a huge stew. 10 servings or more? Approx. how many meals do you get from this? By meals I also mean if a meal is serving 4 people and you get 3 meals you have 3 x 4 = 12 servings.

As a stew, most people think of a beef stew as including vegetables that are soaking up and being enhanced by the flavour of the stew. But it's fine if you do your vegies separately - only it is user friendly to mention this. Many beginners might be serving up and suddenly realize something's missing! (ask me how I know.... many, many years ago):LOL:
Sorry - I am not really a baker. Someone else will have to try and help you with the biscuits. Any recipe for dinner rolls or biscuits would do.
But specific amounts for biscuits must be given.

Hope this helps!
What size are these caps? Tablespoon size?

1/2 cup - 1 cup - 2 cups? Pint carton, quart carton?

2 feet - 4 feet

2 lbs 4 lbs???
ah ok. So some of this stuff comes down to the makers preference. For example the heavy cream you can decide for yourself how much you want. I wait for the Stew to reduce down a bit before adding it at the end, I'd say probably 1 pint at the most after reducing it down more than just a pint. For the marrow bones and cows feet I use 1 package of the rumba stuff for the cows feet. I would have to look at what it is in weight but thats what I'm using and for the marrow bones I just buy a 2 pack of long ones that my grocery store sells. Again would have to check the weight. It's way more than 1 or 2 cups because I fill up a slow coker with water and add the feet and bones so it is a lot but thats why it gets redued down when cooking. Both of them are optional and just help with flavor. And again the italian seasoning is to your liking you could look at the capful thing as just a recommendation. Tbh idk if I even used the cap or just added it in until it seemed good enough. For the bread sure maybe they are biscuits but I just figured it was a pan fried flatbread. Either way its good.

As far as servings go idk how many didn't keep track of that I just ate it until it was gone.
The sauce is similar to the pork n beans recipe I posted about but this is the recipe it originally came from. I've posted about this before on reddit but got no replies and honestly I like this place a whole lot more and wanted to share this with you all because of how much I like it. I also love it when people try things I've made so if you ever make it lmk.

Beef Pepper Stew with Honey Bread (*****)


- 2 35oz cans of Italian style plum tomatoes [UPC]7079640006

- 8oz sun dried tomatoes

- 4 vidalia onions (caramelized with merlot and butter added at the end)

- 1 to 1.5 Red La Rouge Pepper [4088] (Depending on Size)

- 6 Beef Bouillon Cubes or 2 spoonfuls of Beef Bouillon Powder/Paste

- Beef bone broth (Cows Feet and Marrow Bones)

- Heavy Cream

- Garlic(to your liking) roasted in Beef Tallow

- Fresh Herbs (thyme, rosemary, oregano, sage) or 2 to 3 capfuls of Italian seasoning

- Parmesan Rind (Optional)

Stew contents

- Diced La Rouge Peppers

- Chunks of Beef

Honey Bread

- Bread Flour

- Water

- Baking Powder(optional)

- Honey

- Salt

(Stew Instructions)

Start by caramelizing the onions in a pot adding water occasionally to prevent sticking and burning, after the onions are caramelized add Merlot and butter to your liking. Freeze until ready to use.

Take 1 or multiple beef bones and roast in an oven for a bit then add into a pot of water then wash off the cows feet and add in as well to simmer until all the flavor and collagen is extracted which will most likely take hours.

Roast the garlic in an oven safe dish with beef tallow until brown and tender. Wrap the peppers in foil and throw in as well until roasted.

Once all are done put in fridge or freezer for when your ready to make the stew.

In a pot add the Bone broth, caramelized onions, roasted garlic and beef fat its in, the roasted red peppers, sun dried tomatoes, the optional cheese rind, the herbs, beef bouillon, and canned tomatoes. Let it all cook for a while until soft then use an immersion blender until everything is smooth. Then add the chunks of beef and diced red la rouge peppers. Let them cook until tender and allow the stew to reduce and keep stirring to prevent burning for a couple hours until the sauce is reduced and the beef is tender. Then kill the heat and add the heavy cream to your liking.

(Bread Instructions)

Combine bread flour, water, baking powder(optional), honey, and salt and mix and need until good or let a stand mixer do it for you. Then roll out flat and cut into pieces and cook in pan with fat or bake in oven until done. Additionally serve with some garlic that was roasted in butter mixed in with freshly grated parmesan to spread on top the bread.

Serve together and enjoy.
The reason you got no replies on Reddit is because this isn't a recipe.
This is just pretty much a list of ingredients for cafeteria sized pots.
UPC Codes? PLU Numbers?

Especially bread - baking bread is all about ratios. There are millions of pages on the web discussing bakers percentages. This is just a sketchy ingredient list. Sorry, but I think your "recipes" are fake.
I cook like that..

Amounts are optional in my case, except for baking.

Your bread would work as a flat bread if you don't use baking powder, and even with it, I would make it a flat bread :)
I would start if with (baker percentages)
50-55 % water
1.5-2% salt
5% honey (gambling here)
@AnonCooks Let me try to clarify.
Recipes are made so anyone can read it, follow it and have the same results. If amounts are not given no one can guess how much of anything to add and no one will know if they've made the same thing as you have.
A palm full of Italian herbs will taste enormously different than a teaspoon. It changes the whole taste of the recipe.
You do know that slow cookers come in different sizes? Pans and temperatures make a huge difference in the outcome of a recipe as well.
I think you should start reading other recipes and see how they are constructed. For example, as in this recipe, you would start exactly as you did. Saying..-
"Here's a great BEEF STEW that I love to make. Because of the long process I do it over two days or even three."
You then start listing, in the order of which they are used, the ingredients and the exact amounts. If there are options, you put that in brackets beside the ingredient. If an ingredient is used more than once... put in the total amount and say, for example it is butter
4 Tbsp unsalted butter, divided.​

As I've suggested, start looking at other recipes and see how they are constructed. This includes the method/directions for making it.
Read them carefully and see the step by step - timing, what they are using, etc.
Then make your stew again, but keep paper and pencil ready right there and write things down as you do them. That night or two days later will not work as you will automatically revert back to the above. You won't do it on purpose, but unconsciously. Your brain already knows the steps and ingredients so it concludes that details must be already known by others.
Explanations as to why a certain step is done can also help. It prevents people from "taking a short cut" with a step that they think might not be necessary but could change the whole outcome of the recipe. You do those steps for a reason but people cannot read your mind to know why you do them.

I hope all this helps - give it a try and let us know how it goes.
The reason you got no replies on Reddit is because this isn't a recipe.
This is just pretty much a list of ingredients for cafeteria sized pots.
UPC Codes? PLU Numbers?

Especially bread - baking bread is all about ratios. There are millions of pages on the web discussing bakers percentages. This is just a sketchy ingredient list. Sorry, but I think your "recipes" are fake.
I'll try to take a photo if I remember to prove it's realness.

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